Chapter 11: Fragmented Reality

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Warnings: Self Mutilation; DID like symptoms

Chapter Description: Stiles begin having trouble figuring out what's real and false.

Stiles heard an alarm going off making him grumble while rolling over. His hand slammed against his nightstand, in an attempt to blindly find the clock making an unpleasant noise. When he finally found it, he kept pressing buttons on it but it didn't turn off. Stiles got frustrated and made a fist, slamming it into the clock to break it. The noise stopped as result.

He yawned and stretched in bed before sitting up. Stiles could tell he wasn't alone and looked over. Void sat on the other side of the room, reading the notes Stiles made while over at Derek's loft.

"What do you think you're doing," Stiles asked, getting up.

"Reading," Void said, "These notes are very interesting. Were you trying to figure out how to work your abilities better without your dagger?"

"Give me that," Stiles said, yanking the book out of Void's hands.

Void gave an annoyed look to Stiles.

"What are you doing here," Stiles asked.

"I'm literally a part of you..."

"I meant why can I see you as a hallucination," Stiles sighed, "Usually the most I would do is be able to feel you in my head or see you in my dreams. So what called you to show yourself this time?"

"The nightmare you had," Void said, "Obviously you know something big is going on which means you're going to need me to help with protection and more. Also, I can be of some guidance as to what you and your band of weirdos are dealing with this time."

Void stood up.

"So where do we start," Stiles asked, crossing his arms.

"We start by getting your ass to school, Stiles," Void glared, "You are running late, don't you think?"

"It's dangerous, don't you think," Stiles sassed, "Besides if I'm late why should I go in the first place?"

"Because you're not late," Void said, stepping away from Stiles, "But you will be if you don't open your eyes."

Stiles opened his eyes and shot up in bed. He panted in heavily and felt sick to his stomach. He groaned while leaning off the bed in case he threw up. There was a light knock on the door and Noah's voice was heard.

"Hey, are you doing alright, son," Noah asked, walking over, "Do you need anything at all?"

He placed a gentle touch on Stiles's back and rubbed it in small circles.

"A couple of pain pills," Stiles groaned, "And also some sick syrup."

"Aftereffects, I'm assuming," Noah asked.

"Yeah," Stiles croaked, raising his gaze to meet his father's.

"Okay," Noah said, leaning up, "I'll be back. You stay here."

Noah left the room to grab the medicine. When he returned, he found Stiles leaning over the trash can, puking. Noah wrinkled his nose on instinct but stepped closer.

"Hey, Stiles," Noah said, making his presence known, "Do you want to just stay in bed today?"

"No," Stiles groaned, leaning up, "I need that medicine though."

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