Chapter 29: Medusa Tattoo

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Chapter Description: When Isaac removes himself from the group, Damon takes notice and speaks to him. During so they find they have much more in common then expected.

Isaac sat in the dining room, away from everyone. He heard everything that happened with Stiles and Klaus. He could also smell his blood coming from Klaus's clothes. Isaac was worried about him truthfully. Stiles and him didn't have the same relationship as him and Scott but he still did view him as a close friend. Now it seemed his found family was falling apart slowly. Damon sat next to him, making Isaac look up from his drawing.

"You okay," Damon asked.

"Yeah," Isaac lied, turning back to his carving.

Damon could easily tell he was lying. He didn't have to listen to his heartbeat to know he was. He watched Isaac's claws glide over the wood. He noticed he was forming a picture.

"That's an interesting way to draw," Damon said, tilting his head curiously, "What is it?"

"A mythological creature," Isaac said, curving his finger to snip the edge, "A griffin."

Damon smiled as he recalled memories of research on griffins. Growing up he was quite a mythology nerd.

"Griffins are known to be associated with bravery," Damon recalled, "You know that?"

Isaac glanced at him.

"You studied mythology," Isaac asked, searching his eyes for any sign of annoyance.

It was a bad habit of his when it came to others he wanted approval from. For some reason Damon was one of those people.

"Well, I'm not just a pretty face," Damon teased, causing Isaac to chuckle, "Are those your favorite? Griffins?"

"One of them," Isaac smiled, "I also like phoenixes. I want a tattoo of one actually."

"Do you have tattoos already," Damon asked.

Isaac lifted his shirt to show his back. Damon's eyes immediately latched onto the medusa tattoo. He felt his eyes water a little.

"I'm so sorry, Isaac," Damon said softly.

Isaac realized what he talking about and dropped his shirt.

"It's not that big of a deal," Isaac shrugged, although he felt that was a lie.

"For people like us," Damon said, showing his ribcage, "It is."

Isaac's mouth gaped open at seeing Damon's medusa tattoo. His fingers lightly traced the tattoo as he began crying.

"Can I ask how," Isaac asked.

"It started with my father," Damon said, "He was a total dickbag. When I got older I began developing a little more. He thought I was going to become too hotheaded for his liking. So he... He raped me. To prove that he was still in control of me, he abused me and I couldn't do anything but let him finish."

Damon gulped down his tears and Isaac dropped his gaze.

"Mine was my father as well," Isaac said softly, "He, uh, caught me masturbating to gay porn but I mean, I was a teenager at the time. I was exploring what I liked and he wouldn't really care except the porn had two males. He lost it and on instinct I dissociated. The last thing I remember was pleading with him to stop and this burning pain me. He did it multiple times. Especially when I was asleep and it was dark. Now I can't fall asleep without either a nightlight or Scott in bed with me."

Isaac laughed at himself, embarrassed about his confession. Damon hugged him and Isaac stiffened. Eventually, he began relaxing into his embrace.

"You don't deserve what happened to you," Damon said gently, "It was not your fault. And if I was given the chance to speak with your father, he would be missing his heart and penis at the moment."

Isaac chuckled and sniffled. Damon let go of him but held onto his forearms.

"I'm so sorry you had to grow up so fast," Damon said, "You're really strong for going through that and still choosing to keep fighting to this day. I'm proud of you for not giving up."

Isaac dropped his head and nodded.

"Thank you," Isaac croaked.

Damon rubbed his shoulder and grabbed some tissue. He came back and handed the roll to him. He turned to leave but Isaac called him.

"Damon," Isaac said, making the vampire freeze, "You didn't deserve it either. If I could change the way you view yourself, I would. You're a good person. You deserve better than that shit show of a father."

Damon smiled.

"To be honest, my biggest fear was becoming just like him," Damon confessed.

"If I had you as my father, I'd considered myself to be pretty lucky," Isaac said.

"Don't tempt me," Damon said, "I've always wanted a son."

Isaac grinned as Damon left the room. Never in a million years would Isaac think that the Damon Salvatore would want him as a son.

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