Chapter 2: Begging

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Chapter Description: After a successful hunt, Sam and Dean go back to the bunker to prepare for a trip to Beacon Hills... It takes longer than usual.

Sam and Dean got back to their bunker in Kansas and set down their belongings. Dean called out for Castiel as Sam went to take a much-needed shower. Castiel turned the corner with his trench coat off. His presence was enough to put a grin on Dean's face.

"Hey, Cas," Dean said, walking up to him.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel said, "Where's Sam?"

"Taking a shower," Dean said, pointing with his thumb, "Probably going to facetime Chris for video sex as well."

Castiel made a confused face, not understanding what video sex was.

"It's alright, buddy," Dean said, "I'll explain it another day."

"How was the job," Castiel asked, "Did you finish it?"

"Well, the world is still going, so yeah," Dean shrugged, searching for a beer, "How were things here? Anything out ordinary? Angelic radar go off at all?"

Dean turned to be pushed against the wall by Castiel. He couldn't help but stare at his lips.


Dean muffled a groan as he felt Castiel place his knee between his legs, making him harden on cue. Dean bit his bottom lip as he felt Castiel's lips travel from his chin to his collarbone. He lowered his flannel revealing the hickeys that were left from yesterday.

"You didn't cover them," Castiel said, gently biting his neck.

"I'm yours now remember," Dean asked, closing his eyes, "Oh, fuck, Cas."

Dean panted as he felt his hand move below his belt. He heard Castiel whispering to him in soft Echonian which Dean found beyond sexy.


"You know how I feel about begging," Castiel said.

He panted and looked into his eyes. A rule Castiel had about him begging was if he was going to beg he had to look into his eyes. it also was a reassurance for Castiel to let him know he wasn't truly hurting him.

"Cas, please," Dean whispered.

"Good boy," Castiel said, leading Dean to the bedroom.

Sam talked on the video call while getting dressed.

"How's Stiles doing over there," Sam asked.

"He's alright from what I heard from Ally," Chris said, licking his lips as he watched Sam get dressed, "What about Dean and Cas?"

"They're good," Sam said, "Officially a couple now which it's about damn time."

Chris chuckled knowing he was waiting for the longest for Dean and Castiel to become an official couple. He watched closely as Sam turned to grab a pair of jeans. He started rubbing himself through his pants.

"Hey, Chris..."

Sam froze as he noticed the difference in his breathing. He turned around to face the camera.

"You alright, babe," Sam asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Chris breathed.

"You're breathing... Oh," Sam said, connecting the dots, "Well can I at least watch while you're at it?"

Chris chuckled and shifted his position to allow Sam to see. Sam sat on his bed and leaned forward. Chris could see his eyes darken in need as he watched.

"The pack have been..."

"Take it out," Sam commanded, spreading his own legs, "I want to see it."

Chris groaned and obeyed the command given to him. He unzipped his pants and pulled himself free.

"Oh, that's good, Chris," Sam whispered.

He leaned his head back as he slowly pumped himself. Sam licked his lips taking in everything from the sight of Chris throbbing and twitching to the slick sound of his hand moving.

"Stop," Sam commanded, getting up.

Chris stopped, curious about what was going on in the bunker. Sam came back into view with a pair of Chris's briefs from the last time he visited.

"Did you steal those," Chris asked, recognizing them instantly.

"Yeah," Sam smiled, "That way you couldn't get out of our relationship."

Chris huffed out a laugh as he rubbed his hair with his free hand. His laugh halted quickly as Sam began stroking himself with the boxers. He groaned as he watched him.

"Fuck that's sexy," Chris breathed, twitching again.

"Don't let me do this alone," Sam smiled.

Chris continued with Sam. Chris finished first with Sam's name slipping from his lips in sinful ways. That made Sam finish with a growl.

"I may need another shower," Sam teased.

"You and me both," Chris teased.

Sam laughed.

"I miss you, babe," Sam said.

"I miss you too," Chris said, putting himself back in his pants, "You and Dean visiting soon right?"

"Yeah, suppose to anyway," Sam said, "Things have been getting in the way for us. I know it's breaking Stiles's heart every time we're forced to cancel."

"He understands," Chris said, "Trust me. He knows his brothers are these famous hunters that save the world on the daily basis."

Sam smiled lightly.

"He looks up to you both," Chris said, "You and Dean are his heroes."

"Little does he know he's ours too," Sam said, "Tell him I say hi next time you see him."

"I will," Chris said, "I should go, though. I'm supposed to be finding a suit for a mission Stefan invited me on."

"Be careful out there," Sam said.

"You too," Chris smiled, hanging up the call.

Sam finally finished getting dressed.

"Dean, come on. We got to get on the road if we want to make it on time," Sam said, desperately trying to ignore Dean's moans, "Hurry up."

He grumbled under his breath as he walked to the garage.

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