Chapter 20: A Strong Man Cries

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Chapter Description: The family go back to Derek's loft where two men share their troubles and emotions with unlikely allies.

Damon sat on Derek's couch. Everyone was moving around, talking and trying to figure out what was going on, but he was deadly silent. He felt a dip next to him and turned his gaze. Lydia gave a small smile to Damon, who nodded at her.

            "I'm glad you're okay," Lydia said sincerely.

            "You're the banshee, right," Damon said, staring at the ground again.

            "Yes," Lydia said, "Why?"

            "Do you..."

Damon stopped his sentence, making Lydia more curious.

            "Do I," Lydia egged.

            "Since you're a harvester of death or some shit," Damon said, "Do you feel something coming as well?"

            "Well, that whole predicting someone is going to die thing is erratic," Lydia said, "I can't really control it very well. It just happens most time."

            "That must be scary for a young lady who tries to stay so brave," Damon mumbled.

Lydia stared at Damon, and noticed the sadness glossing over his features. She doesn't know how old he is. But as she barely sees the gloominess, she can't help but wonder how long was he lonely until he found his family? She slowly reached for his hand, and place it gently on top of his as a source of comfort. She smothered a flinch when his hand quickly grabbed hers in return, holding it.

            "He wasn't alone," Damon confessed in a whisper, "There was someone else with him. The man with him had curly brown hair and a beard. His eyes were glowing blue and pure shiny black. It was like looking at something bright possessed by darkness. Mikael was afraid of him and so were the werewolves."

Damon paused as if he was reliving what happened.

            "He took the information from me," Damon continued, "I tried to block him from my mind, but I couldn't. The other guy, he wasn't only after Klaus like Mikael was... He took everyone's location. I thought I was going to die and to be honest, I kind of hoped I did die. I was hoping that the bite killed me. It would've been better than having to watch everyone else die, because I failed to keep their information safe..."

Damon started crying silently with occasional sniffing.

            "I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, Damon," Lydia said softly, "But you're really brave too. In fact, you're just as brave as I am, if not more. Elijah's a really lucky guy to have put on a ring you."

Lydia bumped her shoulder with Damon's playfully, who gave a light chuckle while wiping his face clean.

            "You couldn't have prevented what happened tonight," Lydia reassured, "So don't blame yourself. You did the best you could and hell, from what it sounds like you were willing to die before ever giving up Klaus's location. That means something. Don't sell yourself too short. You did all you could. Sometimes our best is all we can do. Either way, I know your family is so proud of you and happy that you are alive and still kicking."

Damon looked at Lydia gratefully.

            "Thank you, Lydia," Damon said, "You have no idea how much that means to me."

            "Anytime," Lydia said, getting up.

She could hear Damon let out a relieved sigh, like the most pressure he felt was being considered a failure by his family. She was glad that she was able to offer him the confidence boost he needed.

Chris loaded his weapons as he started thinking about the inevitable. If Mikael was truly back, then that meant he had to be prepared for a war that he's not trained for. He accidentally dropped his bullet, cursing. He picked it up when a pair of familiar boots were seen, right in front of him. He lifted his head up, meeting the eyes of Peter Hale.

            "Can I help you," Chris asked.

            "Whatcha doing," Peter asked, picking up a small knife.

Chris took the weapon out of his hand and placed it down.

            "Nothing," Chris said.

            "Oh yeah. I can definitely see that," Peter sassed, "I, too, like to enjoy my evening loading guns as doing nothing."

            "Don't you have someone else to bug," Chris sighed.

            "Not really," Peter shrugged, "So where are we headed?"

            "Nowhere," Chris said.

            "Awesome," Peter said, "Should I grab bring the beer or you?"


            "Christopher Argent," Peter said defiantly.

Chris glared at Peter, until he noticed what the werewolf was trying to do. He was trying to protect him. Chris softened his glare.

            "I'm going to hunt," Chris confessed.

            "Great, I'll go with you," Peter said.

            "No," Chris said sharply.

Peter slammed his hand on the table.

            "You really think I'm going to let you go out there by yourself on some suicide bullshit mission," Peter hissed, "You're out of your goddamn mind! If 'daddy Mikaelson' is back and almost killed a vampire with enough fighting experience to take on Scott McCall, what makes you think you stand a chance?!"

            "I have to try," Chris said.

            "You will die, Argent! Don't you fucking get it! Mikael will kill you before you ever get a chance to look at him," Peter reasoned, "Stop being a dumbass and leave it alone. Your best bet is staying with this team and family."

            "Why do you care you suddenly," Chris snapped.

            "Because you are my fucking friend," Peter shouted.

Chris looked at Peter with wide eyes of shock. The others went to see what was going on, after hearing Peter yelling. Peter kept his eyes trained on Chris, who did the same.

            "You are my friend, Chris," Peter repeated, placing hands on his shoulders softly, "I've lost too many people I care about already. That made me grow cold and heartless, because I was trying to protect myself from getting hurt again. But I can't help it. I care and feel joy at seeing my family safe. I refuse to lose another, Chris. So if you want to go on this idiotic suicide mission, then you're going have to kill me first."

Chris stared at Peter.

            "I know, you're scared," Peter said, "I pay attention to a lot. Please, Chris. Don't do this. I need my friend. I need my brother..."

Chris dropped the firearm on the table, and leaned his head into Peter's shoulder, letting out his pent-up rage in tears. Peter slowly closed a hug around the older man.

            "We will figure this out," Peter said, looking at Scott, "But we will do it together."

Scott nodded to Peter as a silent thank you for his vote of confidence. Allison made her way over, and Peter happily allowed her to take care of her father.

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