Chapter 33: Masking

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Chapter Description: Noah reassures Stiles and tries to convince him to come back home.

Stiles sat in his motel room, staring at his dagger. He tried everything he could to destroy it. Stiles sighed frustrated with himself. He also felt horrible about what he said to Jack and Scott but he had to get them to hate him or else they'd never let him go. There was a knock on his motel door, making him look up. He grabbed his dagger and gun, stalking the door.

"Stiles, put the weapons down, it's your father," Noah said.

Stiles forcefully shoved his warm nature off the window as he opened the door.

"Well, well, if it isn't the father of the year," Stiles mocked, "Come tell me another secret that I known years ago? Or are you here to drunkenly accuse me of killing my own mother?"

Noah hugged Stiles which caught him off guard.

"I raised you as my own flesh and blood," Noah said, tightening his grip, "I know everything there is to know about you. You can't push me away Stiles. Not when I know exactly who my son truly is. It won't work. So you can fight me, beat me, insult me, and more but I refuse to walk away. If you want me to give up on you, you'll have to kill me first."

Stiles slowly hugged him back.

"I'm gonna save you, dad," Stiles said letting emotions crash into his words, "I'm gonna save everyone. No matter what it takes."

"I know, Stiles," Noah said, letting him go, "I'm not going to argue with you or try to stop you. You get your stubbornness from me after all."

Stiles chuckled.

"But if you're going to do this," Noah said, "Then come back home so everybody can remember you as family and not an asshole."

Stiles agreed and Noah helped him check out. They got back home and Scott tackled Stiles. They fist-fought for a minute until Stiles finally kicked him off.

"OKAY," Stiles scolded, "I get it! I'm sorry!"

Scott wiped the blood from his nose.

"Deserve it asshole," Scott growled.

"Yeah, I know," Stiles sighed.

Scott hugged him tightly. Jack hugged him too.

"Bitch," Stiles said.

"Jerk," Jack smiled softly.

"So what's the plan," Allison asked, looking directly at Stiles.

"I have enough power in me to kill Chuck," Stiles said.

"But it'll kill won't it," Dean asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes," Stiles said, "A sacrifice I'm willing to make."

"Either way, if Stiles dies he won't go to heaven. He's going to hell," Lucifer said, twirling a knife in his hand, "I'll be able to pick him up from there. I'll keep him safe and set up a bedroom in hell. Basically, he'll be okay."

"Visiting," Derek asked.

"There are ways to get to hell without dying," Peter said, "I've been already. We can set up a way for you to visit him."

"Is there a way I can live with him instead," Derek asked.

"You'd have to be a demon or banished to hell," Castiel explained, leaning against the wall next to Lucifer, "But maybe there's a way to find a loophole through that too."

"There is," Dean said, "Prince of Hell. Work for hell and you'll be able to. You don't technically have to be a demon either."

"That's true," Sam said, "But what if Stiles dies before he's able to fully kill Chuck?"

"Cassie and I can finish him off," Lucifer said, "It'll weaken him a great deal. We'll just have to be quick enough."

"This is God, we can't kill him," Castiel said, "It will cause an adverse reaction."

"Then what," Damon asked.

"Find a way to disperse his powers back to the earth," Danny said, "It'll need a lot of witches. And guess where the powerful ones are all gonna be?"

Klaus thought about it.

"Danny, you are a fucking genius," Klaus said, stepping forward, "If we save Rowena, Kai, Bonnie, and Gabriel... That won't be enough though..."

"It'll be enough," Stiles said.


"It'll be enough," Stiles reassured, looking at everyone, "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

The room got silent. Finally, Noah spoke up.

"I trust you, Stiles," Noah said.

One by one everyone agreed.

"Good," Stiles said, "Now let's get everything prepared. We're going in tomorrow evening."

Noah was woken up by Lucifer. He checked the time seeing it was two in the morning.

"What happened," Noah mumbled.

"Follow me," Lucifer said.

Noah grumbled under his breath as he began climbing out of bed. Klaus reached over, grabbing his arm.

"Where are you going," Klaus asked, looking at him in the dark.

"Talk to Lucifer," Noah explained, "I won't be long."

Klaus let him go and leaned back in bed.

"Hurry back," Klaus said.

Noah left the room and found Lucifer in the living room with Danny and Stiles.

"What's going on," Noah asked.

Danny unlocked a chest on the table and pushed it toward Noah.

"Check it out," Danny said.

Noah opened the box and saw a mask inside. The outline of it glowed red while the mask design itself seemed to be similar to that of a wolf. It only covered his mouth and nose, however. He picked it up slowly, admiring the design on it.

"This is incredible," Noah said, looking at them.

"Try it on," Stiles said.

Noah did so and when he inhaled deeply a felt a rush of air blow into his mouth and nose.

"What the hell was that," Noah said, taking the mask off.

As he spoke blue smoke left his mouth.

"Angel grace," Lucifer said, "It'll help you in battle."

"Angel grace," Noah repeated, "Who's?"

"Michael's," Lucifer said, "Managed to extract after the last battle with him and Amara."

Noah did feel it a burst of energy and strength hit him when he inhaled the smoke.

"Interesting," Noah said.

"It's yours," Danny said, "We made it for you."

Noah smiled and looked at the three of them.

"Thanks, guys," Noah said.

"You're welcome," Stiles said, "Now you can head to bed. You're gonna need it."

Noah turned and left the room.

"You're not going to tell him are you," Lucifer asked.

"It'll be best to tell him after this is over with," Stiles said, getting up, "Night, guys."

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