Chapter 21: Power Pieces

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Chapter Description: Stiles and Derek discuss their future together. Afterward, Lydia talks to the family about 'the other guy' Damon came across. They realize they're going to be facing Chuck in this fight.

Stiles did pull-ups while music blasted loudly throughout the bedroom. This is the second person in his family to get hurt. Now he knows he needed to get stronger. Once he was strong enough he'll be able to handle all of Simargl's power and he can keep everyone safe. But for now, he still needed the dagger for control which people he cares about will continue to get hurt. He needs to be stronger, faster, swifter... If he can just learn to stop losing control!

His music stopped snatching Stiles back to reality. He lowered himself to the ground and turned his head.

"You've been exercising since we got here," Noah said, leaning against the wall, "You sure you feeling okay, Stiles?"

"I'm fine," Stiles said, putting his shirt on.

"You need to shave," Noah sassed.

"I actually like my glorious facial hair," Stiles teased, causing Noah to chuckle lightly.

"Trying to match Sam now," Noah asked.

Stiles shook his head while giving a light smile.

"Trying something different," Stiles said.

"You know it's okay to not be okay, right," Noah asked, "It's okay to take a break and to leave the saving up to someone else. It doesn't make you a bad person for wanting to find peace for yourself, Stiles."

"I know," Stiles said.

"No you don't," Noah sighed, "You've been saving others since you were a young boy. It's the only thing you know how to do. It shouldn't be up to you, Stiles. At the end of the day, you're still too young to deal with this shit daily. But either way if you ever need to talk I'm here for you. Okay, son?"

Stiles nodded and dropped his eye contact as Noah left the room. Derek walked into the bedroom to see Stiles standing still while drenched in sweat. He smiled and strolled over.

"Der," Stiles mumbled, recognizing the hands around his waist.

Derek kissed his shoulder.

"You okay," Derek asked, "I know this is probably a lot to handle."

"We've been through worse, haven't we," Stiles said, "I just never imagined things get like this. This is all a bunch of bullshit! And I'm sick of it Derek! For once I want to be able to relax and not worry about my family getting hurt or about something happening to you, Scott, or anyone else I care about. If that's the case I rather we leave right now and stay somewhere else away from all this fuckery around us. It'll be better than constantly fighting every fucking day. I'm tired."

Stiles froze as he felt Derek hugging him. He didn't even realize he turned around to face him. He closed his eyes, relaxing in his embrace. He took a deep breath.

"I have a suggestion... Or more like I was already planning on the idea," Derek said, "When you finish your senior year, I want us to move."

"Where," Stiles asked.

"England," Derek said, "Or maybe even New York."

"New York is too loud for me," Stiles said.

"What about... Paris," Derek asked.

"I rather not run into Jackson," Stiles said.

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