Chapter 3: New Pack

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Chapter Description: During lunch Stiles runs into a familiar face. Jack gives more input on who the kid that Stiles thought he knew turned out to become later on.

Stiles was walking to the table at lunch when he accidentally bumped into someone.


Stiles looked over to the face of a person he assumed he's never met, meaning he must be new to Beacon Hills. But something about him felt... Familiar. When he smiled Stiles realized who he was. Theo Raeken. He was an old friend of Scott and him when they were younger. It was strange that he had come back suddenly.


Theo turned to another new student. He walked up to him and looked at Stiles, who was stuck staring at them both.

"Everything good here," the guy asked.

"Yeah, Liam," Theo said, holding his hand, "Everything is fine. Have you found us a seat yet?"

"Yeah, come on," Liam said, pulling Theo away from Stiles.

Stiles stayed staring at them both walk away, dumbfounded.


Stiles turned to see, Ethan coming to check on him.

"You alright," Ethan asked.

"Yeah," Stiles said, glancing one more time at Theo and Liam, who were sitting down, "I'm fine."

Stiles followed Ethan to the others. Scott talked with their group of friends that including Allison, Cora, Ethan, Danny, Aiden, Lydia, Isaac, and Jack. Stiles wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation being held amongst them. He was lost in his thoughts. It's been forever since he last spoke to Theo. Also, he wondered what all happened since he seemed awfully close to that other guy.

"Stiles," Scott said, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder, "You okay?"

"Uh, yeah," Stiles said, "Hey, do you remember an old friend of ours named Theo Raeken?"

"Not really," Scott said, "Should I?"

"We went to school together," Stiles explained further, "A long time ago. Before he suddenly left Beacon Hills."

"Oh, yeah. I remember you also had a slight crush on him too," Scott recalled, making Stiles roll his eyes, "What about him?"

"He's back," Stiles said.

"What," Scott asked, knitting his eyebrows.

"I know," Stiles sighed, putting his sandwich down.

"Theo is dating Liam Dunbar right," Jack asked, "I heard he was also trying out for the Lacrosse team as well. He is a werewolf too. He has his own pack though."

"His own pack," Cora asked, popping a potato chip in her mouth, "Who's the alpha?"

"His boyfriend," Jack said.

"Liam is," Stiles asked shocked, "That baby-faced teenager is the alpha?!"

"Liam actually can be quite aggressive," Jack said, "He has a history with anger problems but he's gotten control over it for the most part. However, he is very possessive of Theo since he is Liam's mate. Not to mention Liam's family tree consists of Deucalion being his uncle."

"I'm sorry. How do you know all this again," Isaac asked, "What? Did you go through his records or something?"

"No. My father did," Jack said, "He went through everyone's records in fact. He always does that when I start a new school. So he knows who all is going to be around. Including the teachers."

"Did he go through ours too," Allison asked nervously.

"You were the first ones he went through," Jack said, "But don't worry. He did that a long time ago. When we first met."

They all stared at him, horrified by what he said.

"Okay, remind me to talk to Klaus about that tonight," Stiles said.

"Sure," Jack shrugged.

"Stiles, your stepfather is both incredibly weird and cool," Danny said.

"Tell me about it," Stiles said.

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