Chapter 19: Nowhere To Run

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Warnings: Violence;
Chapter Description: Damon gets caught up in lethal situation. He gets hurt badly, and Elijah rushes to save his husband's life.

Damon sat in Elijah's study, skimming over the books he had on the shelf, curiously. Elijah had told him he'd be back soon, so now Damon was waiting for his husband's arrival. He glanced at the wedding ring on his finger while smiling. Suddenly the sound of the front door opening and closing was heard. Damon turned his head and sped downstairs. He almost threw his arms around who he thought was Elijah, but halted in time to be face to face with someone else. Mikael Mikaelson, Elijah's father.

"What do you want," Damon snapped, trying to sound confident in his panicked state, "How did you get in?!"

"Well, your husband is my son," Mikael said nonchalantly, "It's only right that I get uninvited entry, don't you agree?"

He stepped closer, causing Damon to step back cautiously.

"You're scared," Mikael said.

"I have reason to be," Damon growled, "I've heard of your reputation, Mikael. Apparently, you're a total douchebag."

Mikael chuckled.

"Not to worry, Damon," Mikael said, "I only need information from you. After that, I'll leave you be. Now, where's the bastard abomination?"

"Screw you," Damon spat, not willing to give up Klaus's location.

Mikael smirked and snapped his fingers. Three large werewolves started circling Damon, who tensed.

"Last chance, boy," Mikael said.

"Screw. You," Damon said, glaring at him.

Mikael whistled and the werewolves started to attack, but stopped. Chuck walked in, but his eyes were different. One was a glowing blue and the other was pure black. When he walked in, Damon could tell Mikael feared him, since he lowered his head in submission.

"Mikael, you were always too quick to hurt people," Chuck scolded, shaking his head.

He walked up to Damon, making the werewolves move. He placed his hand on Damon's neck, extracting the information by force. Damon's eyes rolled back with fluttering eyelids, until Chuck was done.

"Alright, someone bite this idiot," Chuck said, "But don't kill him. Let Elijah find him before he dies. It'll be so much more fun that way."

Chuck and Mikael took their leave along with the werewolves, after one of them bit Damon. Damon dropped to the floor, writhing in pain. It wasn't long before Elijah walked in with flowers in his hand. But at the sight of his husband, he dropped them and ran to his side.

"Damon? What's happening," Elijah asked, searching for wounds.

He found the bite on his arm, causing fear to rush through him.

"No. No," Elijah said, picking Damon up, "Hang in there, Damon. Please."

Elijah sped him all the way to Beacon Hills as fast as his vampire speed could carry them. Finally, he stopped at Noah's front door and banged on it roughly, until Noah answered in confusion.

"What the hell... Elijah," Noah said.

"My brother! Where's Niklaus," Elijah asked.

"At the hospital," Noah said, noticing the person he was carrying, "I'll meet you..."

Elijah was already gone before Noah could finish. Elijah rushed into the hospital.

"Niklaus! Niklaus," Elijah shouted.

Melissa showed up and tried to take Damon, but the other nurses were faster.

"NO! Leave him alone," Elijah snapped at the nurses.

"I got him," Melissa said, stepping past the scared nurses.

Elijah looked at Melissa, silently pleading.

"I got him, Elijah," Melissa reassured, "I know where you're brother is."

Elijah finally let Melissa take Damon on a stretcher and wheel him away. He tried to follow but couldn't for long. Finally, he stopped and sat in the waiting area. Another nurse walked up to him to see if he had any wounds, but he refused to be seen. He held his face in his hands, bouncing his leg nervously.

Scott and the others showed up. They had heard about what happened to Damon from Noah, so they went to look for them. Cora walked up first and sat next to the older vampire.

"Elijah," Cora said softly.

Elijah refused to look at her face and shook his head. Finally, Klaus showed up, and Cora moved so he could sit next to his older brother.

"He's going to be fine," Klaus said, placing a gentle hand on Elijah's back, "He'll recover. He just needs some rest."

Elijah looked at Klaus.

"It's okay to feel pain," Klaus comforted, "And it is okay to let it out, brother. Even for us, Mikaelsons."

Klaus pulled Elijah into a hug, which prompted Elijah to sob into his shoulder while clinging to his shirt.

"I shouldn't have left him," Elijah cried, "I should've protected him."

"There's only so much you could do at one time," Klaus soothed, "It was not your fault."

Stefan had walked into the hospital as well, having heard about his older brother.

"Where is he," Stefan asked, "Where's Damon? Where's my brother!?"

Sam rushed up to the upset Salvatore.

"It's okay," Sam reassured, "Damon's fine. He's resting. Elijah got him here in time to be saved..."

Stefan knelt down, crying. Sam was unsure whether to hug him, not wanting to get attacked. So, he looked at Klaus with slight panic in his eyes.

Elijah heard Stefan's cries and walked over to offer comfort. He knelt down and hugged the younger Salvatore. He felt the pain Stefan felt. Because Damon could've died. Had Elijah waited a little longer, he would not have made it. The thought of losing him was what hurt them. Melissa leaned to whisper to Rebekah, making her follow. Scott, Stiles, and Jack noticed and stalked them. They stopped behind a wall to listen in.

"Now, what did you say," Rebekah asked.

"Damon. He's mumbling in his sleep," Melissa reported, "It's just two words, but comparing it to your name, I thought it may mean something to you."

"What is he mumbling," Rebekah asked.

"Mikael's alive," Melissa said.

"Oh my god," Rebekah said, "I... I have to tell my brothers... They have to know."

"Rebekah if this Mikael is alive, then why was Damon bit by a werewolf," Melissa asked, "I thought vampires and werewolves hate each other. I highly doubt that Mikael would convince a werewolf to follow him anyway."

"That means..."

"Someone else had to be with him," Melissa said, "Someone with enough power to control, not only werewolves but also Mikael, himself."

Scott looked at Stiles, remembering that he mention Mikael's name earlier while in his trance. Scott pulled them both away to allow them to talk privately.

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