Chapter 12: Problem Solver

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Warnings: DID Symptoms; Mentions of violence and strangulation

Chapter Description: Liam has a plan for gaining control over Stiles. It leads to someone close to him being hospitalized.

Liam looked through the information Mason printed for him.

Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Dylan Stilinski-Winchester.

Youngest of the Winchesters

Age: 20 years old

Family History: Sheriff Noah Linden Stilinski (Surrogate Father)

Age: 50 years old

Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson (Surrogate Father by Marriage)

Age: Error

Jack Alex Kline-Mikaelson (Surrogate Younger Brother by Marriage)

Age: 20 years old

Dean Michael Winchester (Elder Brother)

Age: 32 years old

Samuel "Sam" William Winchester (Older brother)

Age: 28 years old

Liam placed the papers on the table. His uncle, Deucalion, walked into the house casually. He watched Deucalion pour himself an unnecessary cup of coffee. He actually only drank the coffee because he accidentally bought creamer instead of sugar. Now he's determined to make sure it doesn't go to waste.

"Hey, Uncle Deu," Liam said, resting his head on his arm, "I have a question."

"What is it," Deucalion asked, his mind still a bit groggy.

"How would you get revenge on someone who is most likely protected," Liam asked, "I mean, hypothetically if that person is heavily protected but not everyone around them is?"

"Make them vulnerable," Deucalion replied, "Find their weakest link and go after it. If you can't get them, get someone else you know they'll care about... Why do you ask...? Liam?"

Deucalion turned around to see an empty seat where his nephew was once seated. He was used things like this by now. But still he could've at least give him a goodbye.

"Good talk then I guess," Deucalion muttered, rolling his eyes.

Liam found Theo, standing outside Mason's house. His home was were their pack meetings were always held. It wasn't that large but not that small either. Also since his parents are never usually home it was perfect for talking about touchy topics... Like planning someone's murder.

"I got your 20+ messages," Theo asked, walking beside him, "What's so important?"

"Stiles is a problem like I guessed," Liam said, walking into Mason's small house, "He's from a hunter lineage. He has two older brothers by names of Sam and Dean. My idea is to gain control over Stiles and make sure he knows I'm in charge. That way when it comes down to it, he'll listen to us. Besides having a hunter at our beck and call could be useful."

"Or terribly stupid," Theo sighed, "But I'm the one dating you so who am I to judge. What's the plan?"

"Go after the weakest link in his family," Liam smiled, sitting on the couch, "His father."

"The sheriff, Liam," Theo asked, knitting his eyebrows in concern, "Aren't we kinda pushing our luck with that one?"

"Not at all," Liam said, "We don't have to kill him. Just need to send a message to Stiles. That way he'll back off and we could possibly gain another pack member because of it."

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