Chapter 10: Angry Sex

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Chapter Description: Lucifer finds Peter in his home with an unexpected guest. A strained situation turns into something more sexual instead.

Lucifer stood in front of Peter's door and knocked. He was capable of barging in without trouble but decided to be a gentleman about it... This time anyway. He waited for a little before Peter opened the door, dressed in a robe. The look of pleasant surprise spread across Peter's face at the sight of Lucifer. But then fearful terror replaced it rather quickly.

"Hey, Peter," Lucifer smiled, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets, "Can I come in?"

"No! I-I mean, not right now," Peter said quickly.

"Why," Lucifer asked, knitting his eyebrows in concern.


A woman walked up to Peter and kissed his neck, teasingly. She was dressed in lingerie. Lucifer could see the color drain from Peter's face.

"Hey, baby," the woman said, "Who's this? A friend of yours?"

Lucifer glanced from Peter to the woman and back again.

"Baby, huh? So you're dating her now," Lucifer asked, stepping inside.

Lucifer closed the door behind him, glaring at them the whole time. The woman scoffed as Peter lowered his gaze.

"Who the fuck do you think you are," the woman snapped, "You have no rights here, you asshole!"

"Oh shit," Peter mumbled, stepping back cautiously.

Lucifer's eyes started glowing red in heated anger. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The woman combusted into blood and flesh that sprayed all over Peter's robe and body.

"Well, that was disgusting," Peter said, finally looking at the archangel.

Lucifer stepped closer to Peter as the werewolf stepped back again nervously.

"Lucifer, let me explain," Peter reasoned.

"Did our relationship mean anything to you," Lucifer asked, "Did I mean anything to you?"

"You did," Peter said, "Hell, you still do!"

"Bullshit," Lucifer growled, "Or else you wouldn't have been out here sleeping around with bitches like her!"

Peter glared. He reached in his robe and pulled out the chain of the angel that he kept after Lucifer left.

"I kept this to remember you," Peter said, "Waiting for you to come back."

Lucifer was about to say something, but Peter put a hand up, silently telling him to shut up. Then he walked to the bedroom and came back with a cosplay devil mask in his hands. He shoved it into Lucifer's hands, who examined it.

"This was used during all the sex I've ever had with any women," Peter said, "Each time I had her cosplay as the devil. I had her cosplay as you just so when I finished I could close my eyes and moan your name, Lucifer! Yeah, I was wrong for even sleeping with her but I never loved her! I never wanted her but I was in need. I wanted you so bad and I couldn't have you! Jerking off eventually did nothing for me..."

"So you call me as we talked about," Lucifer interrupted.

"You don't think I've tried," Peter shouted, his werewolf eyes shining, "I prayed to you repeatedly and you never heard nor showed! So don't come to me with that fucking bullshit! I bet you don't even have your chain! In fact, all this time I kept waiting for you respond, I assumed that you were done with me. I thought since you're not answering you wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I fell in love with you and I thought I lost you..."

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