Chapter 32: Death Wish

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Chapter Description: Two people get comforted when they breakdown from fear of the upcoming battle. Meanwhile, Stiles finds another way to finish Chuck off but a couple of others close to him stand in his way of his plan.

Sam mindlessly looked at the outfits on the clothes rack in the store. He noticed Lydia next to him breaking his daze.

"Need help finding something to wear," Lydia asked, looking up at him.

"Not this time, Lyds," Sam smiled, "Thanks though... Is Scott okay?"

Lydia looked over at the true alpha. He had his attention on his phone.

"He's been trying to get ahold of his dad," Lydia explained, "Trying to see if there's some kind of clue as to where he could be held."

Sam walked over to him.

"Scott," Sam said, making him look up, "You okay?"

"Honestly," Scott asked.

"I'd prefer it," Sam said, prompting Scott to cry.


Sam hugged him tightly.

"It's alright," Sam soothed, "I know this is hard to deal with. I'm so sorry you have to. But I promise your dad is going to be alright..."

"And my mother," Scott asked, "I thought maybe I could win this time. But either way, I lose, Sam! Because if it's not my dad, then it's going to be my mom. I can't beat this. I'm not strong enough to."

"No, you're not," Sam said, "Because you're relying on having all the right answers to this where everyone lives. Scott, you may be a true alpha with incredible means of speaking but you are still human. And as humans no matter how hard we try, we can't save everyone. I'm sorry but we can't. It's impossible. You're going to tear yourself apart trying to."

"It's not fair," Scott sniffed.

"That's the casualties of war," Sam said, "It takes innocent lives as well as sinners."

Scott felt Sam let go of him. He helped him wipe his tears.

"We're going to be okay," Sam said.

"We're fighting God, Sam," Scott said, "We're not going to heaven..."

"Of we go to hell we'll be fine too," Sam said.

"How can you say that," Scott said.

"I'll tell you when we go home," Sam said, "Let's finish shopping though, okay?"

Scott nodded and followed Sam around the store.

Back home Stiles walked to the living room to see Noah sparring with Dean. He was impressed by how well he kept up Dean in a fight. It made him watch them quietly for a minute. He could also see Klaus sparring with Jack. Noah grunted as he was knocked to the ground. Dean helped him back up.

"You alright," Dean asked.

"Yeah," Noah said, "Again."

"Dad," Dean said worriedly, "You're going to hurt yourself..."

"I said again," Noah snapped.

Dean knitted his eyebrows and was about to argue but Elijah stopped him.

"You know if Noah is going to spar he should be ready to fight something like me," Elijah reasoned, taking off his blazer, "Something fast, strong, and most of all, supernatural."

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