Chapter 9: Prophesied Nightmare

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Warnings: Mentions of beheading and organ extraction; mentions of smiting

Chapter Description: Stiles has a nightmare that leads to Sam and Dean being called to calm their younger brother's anxious state. When they arrive, they realize that there's more to Stiles's nightmare than they thought.

Stiles limped through the destroyed city of Beacon Hills, until he found what he dreaded the most. On the ground was a pile of dead bodies. Among the pile was his family. They were all dead. Some like Klaus and his siblings had their heads ripped off their bodies along with their hearts. Stiles choked back his tears. He walked around them all. Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his arm. His gaze shot down and he saw Jack with his eyes burned out of his skull and deathly pale.

"You were supposed to save us," Jack said, "You lied... Why did you lie to me, brother?"

Stiles shook his head and cried.

He limped away until he stood in front of group of people. A few faces he recognized clearly, Marcellus, Sam, Castiel.... Dean. Dean leaned forward his eyes flicking black as he smiled at him. Stiles was suddenly frozen in front of his older brother. In front of someone that had the appearance of Dean but nothing about his presence felt like home anymore.

"Dean," Stiles whispered, pleading to find some kind of comfort in this horror show.

"You're a monster, baby brother," Dean smiled, his black eyes staring at him with a subtle disturbing glee, "Just like me..."

Stiles woke up screaming and crying. Jack was the closest to him and immediately grabbed him, holding him close.


Noah and Klaus showed up in his doorway. Jack looked up at them as Stiles continued screaming fearfully.

"Is he..."

Klaus was about to walk in but was pushed out. A barrier was put around the room, revealing Stiles to be causing it. Klaus placed his hands on the barrier and instantly pulled back, hissing in pain. He looked at his hands, showing the burning flesh healing.

"Stiles? Can you hear me," Noah asked.

"My brothers," Stiles sobbed, hugging Jack, "I want my brothers. I want Sam and Dean. Please."

Noah looked at Jack.

"I got him," Jack reassured, "Just hurry up and call them back here."

Klaus went to grab his phone as Noah stayed outside the door. He watched Jack try to soothe Stiles's stress. Stiles it seemed didn't want anyone else in the house to be in that room but Jack. Noah made that assumption because Jack wasn't burning or getting pushed out as Klaus did. It showed that he not only wanted Sam and Dean, but he wanted Jack as well.

Dean was about to take another swig of his beer when his phone started ringing. The name Werepire appeared on the screen. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hey, Klaus," Dean greeted as Sam began listening in while looking through the lore book on the god Simargl, "Calling so soon. Did you miss us already?"

"Dean, where are you," Klaus asked.

"Uh, our bunker in Kansas as usual," Dean said, confused, "Why?"

"Stiles," Klaus said, "I think he had a nightmare and now he's asking for you and Sam. I don't know how fast you two can get here but if you can..."

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