Chapter 17: The Missing Pieces

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Chapter Description: Stiles stumbles upon Simargl who offers guidance in his current problems. Meanwhile in the reality, Stiles's friends come across him, speaking up a different language while in a trance-like state.

Derek opened his eyes to hear Stiles's speaking in a monotone. He looked over and saw him sitting up, staring straight ahead. Derek glanced around the room not seeing anyone else. He assumed maybe he was talking to Void since he's seen him do so before.

"Stiles... Shit," Derek hissed, retracting his hand from Stiles's arm.

He looked at his palm seeing the burnt skin. He healed his wounds before reaching for his cellphone to call for extra help. He continued trying to get his attention unsuccessfully. What racked through his mind repeatedly however was who was Stiles's talking?

Stiles walked through a quiet, empty forest. The forest was the default setting for his 'special' dreams. Unless they were a nightmare the forest is always where he ended up. It also seemed like he already knew where he was going without any direction. He came across some kind of cabin.

"Open the door."

Stiles slowly reached for the doorknob and turned it. A bright flash overtook his vision. When he came to, he was inside a prisonlike bunker. There was a large cage in front of him. The loud breathing was coming from the inside of it, although no creature was shown inside. The shadow was too large, hiding its appearance. Stiles cautiously stepped closer, until silver and purple eyes flashed. He stepped back and had to crane his head upwards to look at the eyes.

"What the..."

Slowly a fire blossomed throughout the cage, until it created a large form of a wolf.

"Simargl," Stiles said, recognizing who he was face to face with.

"Mieczyslaw 'Stiles' Stilinski," Simargl greeted, its mouth moving as it spoke, "The boy who runs with wolves. I've heard about you, little one."

"What the hell is happening," Stiles asked nervously.

"We've been overdue for a chat," Simargl said, "I believed it was time we finally spoke in person. However, to do so I had to link your mind closer with me. I do apologize for the inconvenience you had to experience because of it."

"Are you talking about the moving in my sleep I was doing," Stiles asked, putting pieces together, "That was you?"

"Precisely," Simargl said, "It took a few tries before I was able to fully link each other. But it seems the Nogitsune has a hard time trusting me. I don't blame him. I am considered the hound bringer of the end."

"Is that why you're in a cage," Stiles asked.

"Yes," Simargl said, "Nogitsune doesn't like sharing. Especially you, Stiles. You are our favorite vessel after all. Neither of us would prefer giving you up if we had a choice. But you trust Nogitsune more than me, which for that I also don't blame you either."

"What is it you want," Stiles asked.

"You and your friends have been trying to figure out what I am and how to control me," Simargl said, "But you never once asked me yourselves. So now, I'm offering a chance to show you instead. Not just on me and my history, but also on the missing pieces to the nightmare you had over a week ago. I know you've been questioning more of what happened. I know, you know that parts of that dream are missing. I can fill in everything you need to know."

"What's in it for you," Stiles asked.

"Trust," Simargl said sincerely, "I just want you to trust me. I don't want any harm done to you, Stiles. I cared for you enough to listen when you reach out for me and still do care. I want to prove my loyalty to you. Afterward, you can do with me what you see fit."

Stiles pondered on the idea for a minute.

"Fine," Stiles sighed, "Tell me everything."

Chris stood in front of the threshold of Derek's bedroom, watching Stiles mumble indistinctively. His eyes were open, but he was unconscious of his surroundings.

"Have you tried to get him to respond at all," Chris asked Derek.

Derek nodded, recalling what happened.

"It didn't go well for me," Derek said, crossing his arms over his chest, "The only response I received back was a bad burn on my hand. Other than that, it's like he's in some kind of trance."

"He's obviously talking to someone," Klaus said, leaning closer to meet his eyes.

"The language he's speaking isn't English or any other language I would know," Derek shrugged.

"Me neither," Klaus said, "At least not all of it. And I'm quite fluent in a lot of different languages."

"I have an idea," Scott said, walking closer to Stiles, "Angels are known to have a universal language, making them able to talk to anyone in their native tongue. Not only that, they can understand with little struggle."

Scott prayed for Castiel to show up. When he mentioned Stiles's name, he popped up behind Scott.

"Scott," Castiel greeted, "I got your message."

Castiel noticed Stiles mumble. He stepped closer and sat on the bed.

"Can you understand it," Chris asked.

"Well, it isn't English, but it's in more than one language," Castiel said, "Grab a pencil and paper."

Klaus went to grab the items and came back. He got ready to write. Castiel listened closely.

"Prince of Hell," Castiel said, "Mikael Mikaelson. Marcel Gerard. Soulless Hunter."

Castiel turned to Klaus with a brief look of uncertainty. Klaus was starting to tense at the name Mikael being spoken.

"Is that all," Klaus asked, avoiding anyone's eyes.

"Yes," Castiel lied, "Now he continues to repeat the names. I should go report this to Sam and Dean. They would want to know what's going on."

"Okay," Scott said, "Thanks, Cas."

Castiel got up and Chris offered to walk him out. They walked outside and Chris grabbed his arm.

"Thank you for your help," Chris said, gripping him tighter, "However, you should know, I could tell there was more to what was said in that room. Is there something we should be more concerned about here in Beacon Hills?"

"Not exactly," Castiel said, "However, I should warn you, whatever is going on with Stiles, it isn't good. He knows something is coming. That something is going to end up in all of us either dead or being mind-controlled into a killer army. We won't know everything until he wakes up though."

Chris sighed and swiped his face with his hand. He wanted to interrogate Castiel further on the matter. But he knew he should agree instead.

"Fine," Chris said reluctantly, "If you guys need anything on your part, let me know."

"Thank you, Argent," Castiel said as he let go of him.

He then teleported away, leaving Chris standing alone, pondering everything that was said to him. Chris knew that Castiel left out a lot of names and details. And although Castiel gave him advice Chris was as stubborn as they came.

"Chris! Is Castiel gone," Scott called out.

Chris was brought back to the present, after hearing Scott call his name.

"Yeah," Chris said, "Coming."

He walked into the room where Stiles was still mumbling. He sat next to him and recorded his words. He had to get more information for his own sake. So he could prepare for whatever the hell was coming to Beacon Hills that has even the Winchester's angel so spooked.

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