Chapter 6: Lacrosse Tryouts

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Chapter Description: When Jack seemingly shames Liam and Theo during lacrosse tryouts, they try to befriend him with ill intentions. Stiles steps up when he notices this.

Stiles, Scott, Isaac, Jack, and Danny all practiced Lacrosse as the Coach Finstock shouted orders at the other members trying out. For some odd reason, the Coach Finstock instantly said they all passed tryouts without them even doing anything.

"What do you mean," Scott asked, "We didn't try out and we still got in?"

"Yep," Coach said quickly, "All 5 of your places are secured on the team."

"Is Scott still captain," Stiles asked, "Or does he still have to work for that too?"

"No. He still has to work to keep the Captain spot," Coach said, "But I'm sure he's got that on lock and won't lose it. He's the best player we got after all."

"Why are our places secure anyway," Isaac asked.

"NO REASON," Coach shouted as he started sweating nervously, "Just accept that you are all on the team."

They all looked at Jack.

"Okay, so maybe the reason we were accepted isn't so odd after all," Danny said, "I've known Klaus for only a short time and I can already tell that he said something to Coach that made him secure our spots."

"I definitely have to talk Klaus about that as well," Stiles sighed as he tossed the ball into a net.

Jack kept trying, but wasn't so good at the sport. They all looked over as they heard Coach shout compliments. Theo and Liam were making goals left and right with ease and efficiency. Jack hummed as he watched,  memorizing the skill and effort they used to make the goals.

"You may have to work a little harder to stay captain after all," Stiles said to Scott.

"I think you're right," Scott said.

Stiles looked over sensing the warm presence of Jack vanish.

"Where's Jack," Stiles asked.

"Uh, Stiles," Isaac said, looking out to the field, "I found your baby brother."

Stiles looked over to see Jack going on the field. They all ran after him but Jack was already there.

"I wanted to cover goal if you don't mind," Jack said to Coach, "I'm kind of bored doing nothing."

"Sure, Mikaelson," Coach said.

Jack put on the goalie gear. Theo smirked before Liam whispered in his ear. Scott listened in.

"This kid is Mikaelson," Liam whispered, "Test him to see how good he is. If the rumors about their family are true I would want him in our pack."

Theo gave a short nod as he went for his turn to make a goal. Theo picked up his ball and ran forward a little before shooting the ball toward Jack at supernatural speed. Stiles was about to say something but Jack caught it, despite its speed and precision. Scott's jaw dropped along with everyone else.

"Good job," Jack smiled, tossing the ball to the side.

Theo knitted his eyebrows and tried again since he had three tries. He kept trying and each time Jack caught it like nothing. The worst part was Jack would compliment Theo even though he never made a goal, like he was taunting Theo. Liam was next and he did the same. He threw the ball the last time so hard that it should've broken the net, but Jack's eyes glowed making his net catch it without breaking.

"That was awesome," Jack complimented.

Liam went back in line and Theo turned to him.

"So," Theo asked.

"I don't know what's up with that kid's positive attitude," Liam said, "But he is most definitely a Mikaelson."

"I think we just found our new best friend, babe," Theo smiled, looking at Jack.

Liam sensed Scott and the others and turned to them. Scott was staring at Theo which made him have to smother a possessive growl. Coach blew his whistle getting everyone's attention.

"Alright, that's enough for the tryouts," Coach shouted, "The list of everyone who got in will be on the board tomorrow. Now get out of my sight! I'm sick of looking at your faces!"

Jack jogged back to Stiles but was stopped by Liam and Theo.

"Hey, buddy," Liam smiled, "My name is Liam and this is Theo. What's yours?"

"Jack... Jack Mikaelson," Jack introduced, "It's nice to meet you."

"You as well," Theo said, "I've heard a little about the Mikaelsons. They are quite famous apparently. Which Mikaelson are you related to again?"

"Klaus is my father," Jack said.

Liam and Theo's faces went pale, recognizing the name of the hybrid.

"Klaus? As in Klaus Mikaelson," Liam asked, "The Original Hybrid?"

Stiles walked up quickly.

"Yes, Klaus Mikaelson," Stiles said for Jack, "Got a problem with that?"

"Who are you again," Liam asked, "And what this got to do with you?"

"Stiles is my brother," Jack smiled, although the gaze in his eyes warned Liam to back off.

"Klaus is dating my father," Stiles said, "So it has everything to do with me."

Liam was about to step into Stiles's space but Theo grabbed his arm, pulling him back.  He had seen the look in Jack's eyes and didn't want to test further than necessary. Not to mention Stiles was part of Scott McCall's pack, the true alpha. He knew it would be wise to leave it alone this time.

 "Sorry if it seemed like we were trying to start problems," Theo said, "We didn't mean to."

Theo pulled Liam away from the two brothers. Jack glanced at Stiles.

"Come on," Stiles said, leading Jack away from the field.

"Remember what we talked about," Theo said, "It would be a bad idea to make enemies so soon, Liam. Especially now that we know Jack is related to Klaus."

"Fine," Liam muttered.

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