Chapter 7: Memories that Don't Fade

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Chapter Description: During a family dinner, Stiles shows how the past battle against Michael and Amara still has effect over his mentality, a few are accidentally targeted by him.

Jack was waiting for Stiles to show up at the house. He turned off his engine and walked up to the house with him by his side.

"You know who's is all going to be at tonight's dinner," Jack asked, glancing at Stiles.

"I was told Sam and Dean, but I highly doubt it," Stiles sighed, unlocking the front door, "They've been busy lately so it wouldn't make sense for them to show up now."

Jack and Stiles walked through the door, and the aroma of food cooking hit their noses. They started following the smell and almost ran into Kol.

"Whoa," Kol said, moving out of the way quickly, "You boys alright?"

"We're fine, Uncle Kol," Stiles smiled, "Thanks."

"Yep," Kol said, walking away.

"Something smells great," Jack drooled.

"Why thank you, Jack."

Stiles and Jack looked over and saw Elijah smiling at them with his sleeves rolled up. He went to give the elder Mikaelson a hug. Elijah accepted the embrace, giving Stiles a gentle squeeze.

"It's great to see you again, Uncle Eli," Stiles said.

"You as well," Elijah said.

"Where's Klaus," Stiles asked, "And Aunt Bex?"

"They're finishing up preparing a few other dishes," Kol said, pointing to the kitchen with his thumb.

Rebekah's voice was heard in the kitchen. Stiles went to greet her and, as Kol had mentioned, she wasn't alone.

"Trust me, it'll taste better with extra salt, Nik," Rebekah reasoned.

"I don't know," Klaus argued, "I rather not give every human in this house hypertension..."

"Almost everyone in this house is incapable of getting hypertension..."

"Hey, Aunt Bex," Stiles said, making his presence known, "Hey, father."

Klaus and Rebekah looked up simultaneously. Rebekah bearhugged Stiles tightly along with Klaus.

"Hey, kid," Klaus grinned, "How was school today?"

"I'm only in the middle semester so it's kind of difficult to say," Stiles shrugged, "Ask again in about a week."

"I will do that... REBEKAH! It didn't need any more salt," Klaus scolded, noticing his sister adding more seasoning to the food.

Stiles slipped away from the conversation while chuckling at Rebekah and Klaus arguing like typical siblings. He began wondering where Noah, Sam, and Dean were. Honestly, he was holding onto the hope and dream that his brothers were gonna show.

He decided to help Kol out with setting up the plates around the table. Stiles suddenly froze as he sensed a presence outside the front door. He stalked up to the door his mind shifting to its defensive mode. It's been hard taking it out of it ever since their last battle at Kansas. Sure they won the war with Michael and Amara but it still left scars on their minds, especially Stiles's mind.

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