Anti-Xornoth Locker

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~Scotts Pov~💙

"Wake up" Howled Xornoth as he dumped a bucket of cold water onto Scott. Scott jolted awake with a shiver. "om god Xor-"shouted Scott, but before he could say anymore he was dragged by the heels of his bed. 

Xornoth continued to drag Scott along the floor until he got to the steps. Xornoth was about to kick Scott down the marble steps , when Scotts mYsTeRiOuS Aunt appeared from the well lit hall. "Xornoth"she said in a calm but strict voice. Scott lived with his Aunt & Cousin Lauren for as long as he could remember. His father was very rich but had basically neglected his only sons. The only reason Xornoth ever listened to his Aunt was because he was scared to be sent to  a boarding school.

Scott could feel the cold seeping deeper into his Pjs. Scott mumbled curses as he went down the stairs. At the table lay some warm scrambled eggs. His Cousin Lauren was at the table dressed and everything. Lauren was always like this. He sat down in his usal seat listening to the sqelch of his wet pjs. He let out a small yelp that caused Lauren to  chuckle.

"Hey"started Scott "It's not funny I'm soaking and so is my bed".

Scott inhaled his breakfast (concearning) and went upstairs. He slipped on some clothes and went outside with Lauren for 2 seconds before she asked him were his bag was. He raced back inside to grab his backpack. His hair was damp but it would dry. His Aunt went to her car to drive them. Scott had a license but didn't have a car . Xornoth barely should be driving. Xornoth got in his Black Van and drove off leaving Scott, Lauren & his Aunt in the Aftermath. On the way he soaked Lizzie and some new kid in the nearest puddle. Leaving Scott to clean up his mess. "Sorry Lizzie" said Scott as he drove by them. Then a thought that Scott had clearly frogotten sprung to his mind. It must have been her brother. The other day Lizzie had told the friend group that her brother James was joining school.

Upon arrival he could hear the distant crys of joy from Joey as he gave Xornoth a big hug. "Xorny"he cheered as Xornoth push him away from him. Shubble stumbled behind them. "Shubble"Scott muttered. Shubble used to be close with them until she started hanging out with those jerks.

Writer note :

Shubble was basically stalked until she agreed to be part of Xornoth friend group. To be honest Xornoth only wanted Shubble to be there so it wasn't just him and Joey. But Scott and his friends hate her ,but because I know people like forbbiden love Katherine still likes her and the secretly meet.

Scott jumped out of car said bye to Lauren and started up the stairs. As always Lizzie was there but she was soaked. "Can I have a towel" she said in an annoyed voice. "Sure" Scott replied "come to the Anti Xornoth locker". Scott spend time making a locker filled with things to deal with Xornoth pranks. Lizzies brother lurked behind them. "Would you like one as well?". "Yes" he muttered just loud enough for Scott to here.He was kinda cute thought Scott before immediately questioning himself. He handed Lizzie and her brother a towel. Lizzie stared at her brother nerverously. "Umm his name is James-". "But I prefer to be called Jimmy" he butted in. "Hi I'm Scott, I hope Lizzies told you about me preferably good stuff"Said Scott. "Well Class starts Soon and we have ChEmEsTrY"Hustled Lizzie.

Writer note:

ChEmIsTrY portraying the future of Scott and Jimmy & Lizzie and Joel. haha Sophie great metaphor. Just kidding it's rubbish, thats enough of me hating on myself.

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