Skipping School

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~Katherine Pov~

Katherine felt Joey looking over her shoulders at her phone."Excuse me Joey" she said."Yes princess" he said. Katherine felt a sickening feeling in her gut. "Can you like, not look over my shoulder" she asked him as he stared at her chat with Shubble."Can't promise it princess" he said. What did he want, didn't he like Xornoth? "Look I have a girlfriend" she said irritated that she had to say that to make him stop. The bell had rung and people were leaving the classroom. "Don't worry I'll get rid of her,"he smiled. "I don't love you Joey" she said muttering "or like you for that matter". "I will convince you with gifts of love" he said, prancing out of the classroom pride. Katherine let out a sigh of relief."Oh thank goodness he's gone" said Shubble giving Katherine a hug.

The next morning when Katherine opened her locker a note from Joey fell out. 'got you a lil something princess'. Eww. Inside lay Yellow goblin jelly beans, Lizzie's amethyst pendant necklace, Dug up flowers from Scotts garden and honeycomb from Gems beekeeping. Joey stood beside her covered in bee stings. "I did this for you" he said, holding out his red dotted arms. "Ouch," muttered Shubble. The bell rang and everyone went to class. Katherine couldn't bear to sit next to Joey anymore. She ripped a corner from her flowery notebook she carried with her. She scribbled in highlighter "Skip?" and passed the note to Shubble. Shubble nodded with a warm smile. They both called for a bathroom pass. Katherine stood up ready to leave but Joey grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the seat. "Don't leave me," said Joey. Katherine shook off his hand and grabbed Shubbles. They raced down the hall narrowly avoiding Mr Millin. They pushed open the school doors and ran down the road. Katherine wasn't prone to skipping school but at the thought of Joey sitting next to her she immediately would rather skip. Shubble and her eventually ended up on the beach. They collapsed on the sand taking in the sunlight. Then they heard the familiar sound of Oli and his ukulele. They turned to each other "Ice cream!!". They walked up to the truck ordering bubblegum and pomegranate. As they turned to the beach they saw 2 familiar faces. Joel and Lizzie. They were both in their togs sitting on the beach licking at their ice cream. Soon the whole class apart from Joey was down there. Xornoth ran around the beach with his dragon fruit ice cream kicking over little kids' sandcastles. They played volleyball and had a great time. Until someone (Sausage) yelled "it's 2:52 we need to get back to school". The whole class jogged up the road to school. They ran down the hall passing Joey who had been sitting in front of the girls bathroom the entire time. The opened the door and silently crept into the room. Miss Vase looked up, her eyes darting across the sandy floor. Joey burst in. "Detention" said Miss Doormat as Joey burst in.

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