No we do not sell seafood

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~Lizzie Pov~

Lizzie was in the new cafe .The walls were painted light blue thanks to Joel (She did most of the work though, cause he's short as). The bunting underneath the counter was shimmering in the light. She had everyone at their stations. Surprisingly a queue of unexpected visitors had started to form. The chaos would begin shortly (foreshadowing). She had serenity for 0.5 seconds before Joey showed up in front of her. "I heard Xornoth was coming with Scoot, can I pleaseeeeeee serve them!" Joey pleaded. "Absolutely.. Not. Jimmy's serving them, you can sit back down at your station." He frowned. "Why not?!" He questioned her. "You're immature and we all know that you wanna get with Xornoth idiot." He glared at Lizzie. "But Jimmy likes Scoot!" She rolled her eyes "No he doesn't. Get back to getting food." "Whatever." Jimmy heard all of it from behind the counter. "Oh gosh. I need the money though because plot holes need to be filled- why did I say that? We're not in a fanfiction or anything..." Lizzie walked over to the door. The little pink bell hung above the door. When she put it up yesterday she hit her head on it way too many times. Pearl ,Pix and Mysterious blonde girl (who was totally not false... Ha. Ha. Ha. ). The girl approached Lizzie with a confused glare. "Do you sell seafood?" she said in a shy voice. Read this, said Lizzie, shoving one of her business cards in her hands. It read: We don't sell seafood! "...oh." she said abruptly. The only fishy/sushi thing we sell is the wasabi cupcake (black market cupcake)

Writer note:

Scoot is Scott, me and Mila were having a laugh about our rubbish mistakes. - Sophie.

Hehe scoot - mila

sorry for the short chapter.

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