Fishy Debating

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~Joey's pov~

He was in the middle of class when something was announced from the speakers. "We have decided to host a debate club. We are still deciding the name, if you are passionate about debating, please join in the art room at lunch." The loudspeaker said. "I bet Xorny would be good at that. But he is good at everything~" smiled Joey in a great daydream of Xornoth yelling at a small child about tax refunds. After class was over lunch came. Are you coming he said to Joey. Shubble wasn't there but she was missing out on time with Xornoth. Joey walked beside Xornoth as always. They got up the steps to the art room. The room was filled with disgusting little pictures someone had drawn. Then they noticed Katherine and Shubble together. "What are you doing here?" Said Xornoth confused. "What are you doing here?" She mumbled. "We're here for the debate club. Are you?" Xornoth gave her a look that said: You better be here for the debate club, or I'll tell everyone about your little date with Karen or whatever her name is. Joey glanced at Xornoth. He was soooooo cute when he blackmailed people. Just then two very short teachers came in. They looked to be like 11 years old but they told the school they were like 22 and 90. "You guys are here for debating?" The shorter teacher said. Just then Scott, Jimmy, Joel, Lizzie, Gem, Fwhip and Bubbles? walked in. The teachers let them sort their groups and decide their team name and shirts. Joey, Xornoth, Bubbles, and Fwhip. Joey stared in awe at the beautiful creation they -or rather Xornoths servant had made. 

Writers note: DON'T BE JOEY AND DATE A PHYSO MANIPULATING MAYN (If you do we are not to blame - also sorry we got this out late!) we will give u a free floof coupon just type in chat I want (ship) floof. Thx

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