Team Poppy

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~Scott pov~

Miss Vase hearded everyone into the groups. "Thank goodness" thought Scott "Jimmy's in my group" Then he abrupptly stopped to question himself. "Lizzie and Joel as well" he added in. "You good Scott?" asked Jimmy glaring at Scotts confused face. "I'm g-"he started. "Do you have a concussion?"Jimmy butted in worringly. Before the coversation could start up again Miss Plessis spoke. "Right the teachers voted on your group names, and we decided on plant themed names"she annouced" Because Miss Vase refused to do horror movie names"she muttered. "Hey"she growled back in a playful way. Scott was handed a piece of paper with the groups, Team leaders and names

Poppies: Lizzie(team lead), Scott, Joel, Jimmy
Mushrooms: Katherine(team lead), Shubble, Ollie, Owen
Crimson: Joey (team lead), Xornoth, Pearl, Gerald
Evergreen: Gem(team lead), Annie, Pix, Millie
Spruce: Fwhip (team lead), Sausage, Bubbles, False


The first thing on Scotts list was Crate Stacking? Team Poppy was pushed into the camp hall. Two harnesses hung from the ceiling. One blue, One green. Scott waited patiently for Lizzie and Joel to have there turn. Lizzie got 3 away from all the crates and Joel got 5 away. Jimmy and Scott made their way to the harnesses. "Good luck"whispered Lizzie as Scott was fitted. Once he had it on he felt much more secure. He let Mr Runndellion hand him big red crates. He got very close to the top when Jimmy fell. After he fell Scott fell off his. "One away"cried out Lizzie. "Ahhh soo close"sighed Scott. "Nice job Scott"said jimmy wiping sweat from his eyes. Scott got help to unclip his helmet and sat down. Mr Rundellion told them to move over to the Flying Fox. "More walking"sighed Scott.

Writers note:
Heyy it's me Sophie just started school again but I will try my very best to write daily. Don't quote me on it. I wrote this at a school.

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