Daily Dose of Fluff

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~Shubble Pov~❤️

Shubble was known as a traitor to her old friends. She was pathetic letting Xornoth get the best of her because now they hated her. Well at least she had Katherine. Katherine had tried to convince the others but they didn't believe her. Now days she would watch Joey hoplessly being rejected by Xornoth. "I ship"she muttered rebelliously. I hate my life she told herself . Xornoth had been stalking her. Following her home. She eventually gave in when she woke up in his basement listening to scott moping about taking the trash out. "Why didn't I tell them"Shubble thought imitating the same voice Katherine used on her when they talked about it. "Ughh better get ready for school"she thought she put on her Mushroom Beanie and grabbed her bag. It was heavy from all the extra curricular activities she did to fill the pit loneliness inside her. Her bicycle was wet with  dew drops. she plopped her moss green bag into her basket. She arrived just as it started to rain. She chained her bike and dashed inside. As always Xornoth was waiting with Joey. "Morning"mumbled to them. Suddenly Lizzie came over with a smirk. "Here have a cupcake I made for you"said Lizzie. Shubble thought she was just being nice but the cupcake had wasabi. Her mouth felt like it was on fire. Xornoth was laughing to until he took a bite out of his and ran to the fountain. Then the bell went and she had to go science.

At Lunch

"Hey Shelby or whatever your name is" said Xornoth "Do you think it would be funny if I threw this pie at Joel?" "No" said Shubble firmly knowing it was a rhetorical question in Xornoths eyes. "Oh well" Muttered Xornoth and with a dramatic lunge he threw his mince pie at across the room. "Holy Guacamole" shouted Shubble as she heard screams from Joel . There was silence for a moments and then a massive food fight broke out. An apple nearly knocked her out. She could see Katherine heading for the door. Shubble Made a run for it. "Where are you going?" yelled Xornoth but before he could say anymore a Cwassoint (crossiont excuse my french) hit him in the face. Katherine was waiting for her in the art room. "Who drew this?"asked Katherine looking both confused and flattered. It was a drawing of her in a sketch book. At this point it was obvious it was Shubbles because of the Mushroom on the front but Katherine just wanted to know why she drew her. "Uh-But-aghhhhhhhhhhhh" Stuttered Shubble. Katherine let out a Laugh.

That was your daily dose of Katherine x Shubble Fluff

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