That Planning phase

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~Katherine pov~

After her last chat with Shubble, Katherine had decided she was going to crush her girlfriend in this bake off. Her group had Lizzie the baking queen of the school. The Teachers had made everyone start by sketching out their designs like lil year 2's. Katherine spent time making her teams drawing of a pear very realistic. They got 2 points. "Lizzie what do we need to make this?"asked Joel practically drooling over the images she had showed them. "Umm I wanted to make some icecream but we could just get vanilla icecream from the supermarket". "Ok"said Katherine. They started researching the costs of all the ingredients. A wopping 11$ because Lizzie already had some cinnamon and Katherine had a pear tree in her garden they still needed sugar for the caramel and . Katherine raised her hand "What's the budget"she asked Miss Vase. Well you get an unlimeted" she said. everyone looked around "-but the team with the least budget gets extra points and the team with the most has points deducted". "Oh maybe I have some sugar from the cafe, won't that lower our price?". "When do we buy the stuff?" someone shouted out. " We go together in the weekend so we can clear everyone else in the store out"said Miss Doormat grinning. "We bake on monday after we get our ingredients so it's fresh"said Miss plessis. "Oh and don't tell anyone your budget" butted in Miss Doormat. Lizzie had a proud glare like she was about to crush everyone in competition infact she knew she was gonna win.

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