The legit chapter... (not april 1st *cough *cough

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~Katherine Pov~

Her parents had always hated her, believing she was a cursed ratty………… They only loved her little sister Barbie McPooface. “MARRY ME REBECCA!!!!!!” shouted Joey. “No… my name's Katherine.” Shubble paced over to her. “I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I think we should break up..........” “Yeah we should bye bye baba grill.” said Katherien,  nodding her head. Scott sat there looking at Xornoth. Shubble only had eyes for Xornoth. “I luv you” she said. They kissed passionetly.

Writer Note: Hate to break it to you but this is an april fools prank. Lol happy april fools!!! I’ll write you a real chapter later we have some 1.6k art on Milas account (Malisadoormat) under the story spoiler art heheh- luv Mila an Soph

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