Wait a minute... wither husbands. cool

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~Sausage pov~

Sausage searched his draws hoping to see a glimpse of his white shirt. "Mama" he called briskly walking to her class. His mother was folding laundry in her pink basket. She promptly threw the shirt at him. "Gracias" he said putting the shirt on. The shirt wasn't entirely white though, it had yellow, orange and pink stripes around the waist that his mother had embroidered. He grabbed a small green backpack and stuffed sunscreen, a hat and an empanada he had made with his mother earlier. "Adios Eddie" he called as he left to the door. Bubbles barked after him, making it clear she wanted to come. Sausage thought for a minute but worried the colour/corn starch would get in her eyes. "Permanecer" he said closing the door. After crossing a few roads and opening the gates, he found himself near the start line. Fwhip came over to him, as well as Lizzie, Jimmy, Pix, Joel, Shubble and Katherine. Gem and Pearl weren't into colour runs and opted for a book and hot coco on a day like this. Joey and Xornoth arrived a second later. Sausage watched Miss Plessis was lecturing Miss Vase and Miss Doormat on how to spray them with colour. 

Everyone walked to the start line. Scott running just in time to partner with Joel. Fwhip and Sausage were buddies and 4th. The horn went and Pix and False ran. After a while they came back. Pix with a head injury from having a corn starch bottle thrown at him by Miss Vase and Miss Doormat. He ended up with a concussion and the run was paused. Eventually it started back up Lizzie and Jimmy both covered. Sausage and Fwhip prepared to run. The horn went and they both took off. Fwhip and Sausage had a well matched pace. They reached the inflatable rock wall and climbed to the top, sliding into the cold pool of water below. They continued avoiding rocks and patches of mud. They slid down the slip in slide, colliding into each other at they hit the bale of hay at the end. They were sprayed with several colours along the track bursting out beside the Art room.

'YESS WE DID IT FWHIP" he cried as he collapsed on the floor. "YESSSSSSSSSSSS" he replied as he also fell to the floor. They stood up next to Lizzie who had somehow shaken half her colour off. They watched some of the others. The Last group was Jimmy and Scott. Scott managed to slide into the pool of water first grabbing the hose from the parent. "Take this Jimmy" he cried as he sprayed jimmy with water. Sausage's mouth felt dry from the starch. Fwhip told so many good jokes he managed to cough up a cloud of red dust. They laughed. Sausage suddenly had the idea to grab fwhips red scarf and run. "HEY" He screamed running after him. Though by the time they were at the slip and slide's area Fwhip slipped on some dishwashing liquid that had formad a puddle on the grass. He twisted his leg falling backwards. "Fwhip!!!"said Sausage rushing to his side. He tried to stand up flinching at the pain. 

"go get a teacher" he said painfully. "No I can carry you over" said Sausage. "D-don't" he stuttered "I will be fine on my own". Sausage ignored him picking him up. "Better?" he asked as he walked towards the group. "Yes"he mumbled. Once they had reached his friends someone called an ambulance. "You can put me down now" he said to sausage. Sausage shrugged carefully placing him on the ground. Next to Fwhip was a giant spider on the footpath. "Actually please pick me up again" he said shivering as he looked down on the spider. 

After what felt like hours the ambulance arrived placing Fwhip on a white bed. "Can I come with him" he asked the driver as they pulled him in the back. "Are you related to him in any way other than friendship?" asked the driver. "umm I'm his boyfriend" he said putting on the most realistic smile he could. "what" said Fwhip shooting up from the bed. The doctor eased him back into the resting posistion. "Ok" mumbled the doctor.

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