Hiding behind counters

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~Jimmy Pov~ 

Jimmy heard it all. Did people really know he liked Scott? At least Lizzie didn’t believe them. Oh god I hope Scott doesn’t know, thought Jimmy worryingly. Then Scott and Xornoth walked in. Jimmy dove behind the counter. He was on his hands and knees. He got up to peek through the cupcake cabinet. He was staring at Scott when out of nowhere Lizzie popped out from the other side of the cabinet. She followed his gaze to Scott. She rolled her eyes. “Go serve him now!!” She said, pulling him out from behind the counter. “What are you doing over here anyway” Jimmy fiddled with a button on his uniform. “I- I’m uh.. Cleaning the floor?..” He said sheepishly. “Jimmy, the floor’s carpeted. Get up and serve him.” “Wait! But I-” She gave him a small notepad, and walked away. Jimmy sighed, looking at the table. Maybe I’ll get Joey to take my place?.. Jimmy thought. He walked over to Joey, who was on his phone. “Hey uh.. Can you see what Scott wants?'' Joey glared at him, forgetting Xornoth was sitting with him. “I’ll do it… For a price.” Jimmy sighed. “And, what is this price?” “..You give me your soul?” “Very funny, Joey.” He kept typing on his phone. “Probably a fanfiction of him and Xornoth. Ew. I mean who the heck likes a jerk? He literally manipulated you bro.. Get over yourself.” Jimmy thought. He walked carefully over to Scott and Xornoth. Scotts eyes lit up. “W-what do you want sc-scott.” Stuttered Jimmy. “I’m being a flustered mess..” he thought, sighing. “Umm.. a Flat White and a cookie cause why not?”Jimmy turned his back to Scott and nearly tripped heading to the coffee machine. “What about m-” Xornoth couldn’t even finish his sentence before Joey sprang up from behind the counter, running over. The sound of glasses smashing were heard in the distance. “I can serve you~” He blinked at Joey, then stared at the shards of glass glittering on the floor. He wondered how long it would take until an innocent (barefoot) child stepped in it. “Helloooo? Earth to Xorny?” His daydreams were interrupted by Joey, waiting excitedly to take his order. Jimmy had finished making scotts Flat White and was walking over to their table. “Jimm-” but before he could stop him Jimmy stepped in the glass. Luckily it only drew a tiny bit of blood thanks to his shoes. He yelled “Ow!- Who left this here?!” It wasn’t a child who stepped in it. It was better. His brother's crush. Jimmy heard laughter from Xornoth as Scott ran over to help him.

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