The let down of the group

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~Lizzie pov~

Lizzie had her buisness back up again. She was walking out her door with Jimmy. She was suprised to see Joel sitting on her doorstep. "Oh hi Joel?"said Lizzie confused. "Oh umm do you want to walk to school together"he said. She looked behind her and watched Jimmy smirk. "Do have a choice at this point?"she sighed walking with her friends. At school everyone sat down. Miss Doormat spoke. "Ok guys were gonna do somthing fun... We are having a bakeoff between our class".The got into small groups.Lizzie ended up with Joel and Katherine. They all walked up to Miss Vase who was writing the names down. Meanwhile Mr Rundellion was snipping away at some pieces of paper. Miss Vase got up and started yelling at him about his lazy cutting technique. They put up the teams on the whiteboard with their team names.

Bakeoff Teams

Shubble, Xornoth,Jimmy
ect (bc I'm lazy)

At seeing the teams Joey made a fuss until he got swapped with Jimmy. Miss Vase held up a dark green witch hat. She called the teams up. Sausage came up. He rumaged his hand around the hat until he selected a piece. He pulled it out. He read it "Pineapple!!!". Shubble pulled out strawberry and Pix pulled "apple". Lizzie was left to select the last piece of paper. "Pear"she said with a hint of dissapointment.Everyone went to their teams to discuss their ideas. Lizzie then remebered a specific dish that involved pears...

Writers Note:
oh goodness I need to run to school bye probs publish this after school on wifi-Sophie
Hi present sophie here just ate a bunch of brownies whilst painting a picture of a beach this is going to be the first chapter of arc 3- Sophie
Hi next day present Sophie I SWEAR I published this but something has gone wrong I guess I have to post this after school-Sophie

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