Chaotic Dinner

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~Jimmy Pov~🧡

"Since when is your name Jimmy?'questioned Lizzie at the dinner table. "James what is she talking about?" said his equally confused mother. "I think you were trying to impress Scott"announced Lizzie. "You like Joel!"exclaimed Jimmy his face bright red. "Oooo who is Scott and who is Joel"Said their Mum wanting to be involved in the chaos.
"Mummmmmmmmmmmmm"groaned Lizzie.

Their dad sat at opposite side of the table laughing to himself.

Jimmy picked up his plate and went to his room. He was vibing to Taylor Swift when he heard a knock on the door.
Jimmy used this as an excuse to stop his homework and rushed to the door. Flashing lights were shinging through the windows.

It was the police.... Dad was at the door and Mum was in tears. The police left and Mum made everyone sit at the table. Lizzie was texting Joel under the table when Mum broke the news. Your Uncle died. "which one" asked Lizzie not looking away from her phone. Uncle Cod... Lizzie looked up abbrupptly.

Jimmy didn't know him well but he still felt sorry. We have his will here. "He is having Lizzie take his new Shop he just bought, and a 7,000 pounds". "Jimmy you get His cat Norman and 7,000 pounds". "We get 12 cents and his house is being turned into a cat sancutary" she said.

She seemed dissapointed about the 12 cents but to sad to say anything. Jimmy went to his room. He put his airpods in and listened to Bad Blood(by Taylor Swift). He decided to look at some of Lizzies photos of Norman. Indeed this fat cat was cute. He was Big Man Norman.

Jimmy decided to check on Lizzie. Her Pillow was almost as damp as when Ollie and Owen moved to Hermitopia.

Hey Lizzie do you want to go to the Cafe in the weekend??

Her face lit up with an idea so she began scribbling paragraphs into her neat notebook. Jimmy decided to leave and just go to bed at this point. His sister could be writing for hours until she finished that.He got into his pjs (toy story cause y'know) and brushed his teeth. He went to bed. He had no idea what wild idea Lizzie would present in the morning...

Writer note:

🎼🎶I hAd A dReAm My DaUgHtEr iN LaW KiLlS mE fOr ThE MoNeY. ShE tHiNkS I LeFt It In ThE wIlL. ThE fAmIlY gAtHeRs Around and reads it and then someone scream out she laughing up at us from hell. 🎶

excuse my horrible singing. anyways it's based on the song anti hero by Taylor Swift.

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