Gordon Ramesy level bakeoff (totally)

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~Lizzie pov~

Katherine wheeled their ingredients in with her little pink cart. Lizzie stretched, prepared to absolutely crush everyone in this competition. Meanwhile Joel was getting first-aid from already injuring his finger over the still hot stoves. Shubbles team was beside hers prepping their things. They had a lot of decorating items from colouring to marzipan, something not a lot of people like. Katherine glanced at Shubble, her smile widening. “Ok do we have everything?” asked Joel as he bounded over to them waving his bright blue band-aid. The teachers were wearing bright colourful sombreros and some very colourful outfits that made them look like a piñata. “Ok guys, I couldn’t be bothered to take a safety course so lets hope there aren’t any injuries or fires” said Miss Doormat. Miss Vase gave her a look that said that it all.” l-let's just start so yeah, don’t die”she said. Everyone took a few minutes to process what they had been told. Miss Doormat threw some meme glasses on and blew a horn louder than her gong. Lizzie threw her pears into the sieve just careful not to bruise them. She yelled at Katherine to fill a deep pot with water. “Joel, can you pour some cinnamon into the pot?” She asked.”Sure.” He said, fumbling with their bag of ingredients. Lizzie got Katherine to start peeling the pears whilst she prepped the caramel. She got a pot from a draw and drizzled it over the pot in a crisscross formation. She sniffed the air taking in the scents of cinnamon and vanilla.”Y'all smell caramel” said Joey practically drooling over the scent. “Yeah I’m the one cooking it”said Lizzie smirking as she licked her spatula. Joey frowned, turning back to his group. Looking over it seemed Shubble was doing all of the baking. Katherine bought out some little gold bowls to plate (or rather bowl) their dish on. They took out their pears and put them in the bowl with some ice cream. For presentation purposes they stabbed their carmel shard into the pear. They dinged their bell and raised their hands giving hugs. They looked over at the competition. Oh dear thought Lizzie as she looked at Xornoths Team's decoration. 

Writers Note: guess what I made It not Mila

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Writers Note: guess what I made It not Mila. I can draw... I think - Sophie

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