Ok, I lied abt only 3 chapters but here is Lauren

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~Lauren Pov~

Lauren sat at her dining table counting her counting the cash. The colour run had been a complete success. They only had 90$ left but this would be enough for them to open the cafe they had spent the past week preparing for. They would open it today. Their cafe was conveniently across the road from Oyster Cafe. Our competition grinned Lauren. There was only one thing left to do, the name. "ooh maybe we could call it The Water Witches boutique" Prismarina said. She was obsessed with the rp she had been doing at lunch time with a group of kids at school, including Lauren and her cousin Scott. "NO, we shall call it the Sandwiches Boutique". Lauren rose from her chair smashing her hands into the dining room table. Lauren's Aunt nervously glared from the kitchen. Prismarina knew better than to argue with Lauren. That afternoon after printing of their business cards  they opened the shop. Lauren tightened the unnecessary purple apron around her waist and prepared herself. Soon customers were flooding into their small cafe. The Mural Shubble had painted on the back wall was beautiful and perfect. That mural being a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwitch. When Lauren said sandwitch she meant it. The sandwitch had a purple hat resting on top of its bread. They had hired Owen as their waiter, Lauren worked at the counter and Prismarina worked in the kitchen making simple Pb and j sandwiches and lemon meringue pies. Owen grinned as Jimmy and Lizzie looked over menacingly. "That'll show that James guy whose Scots bestie" Owen said quickly switching his face into a sweet smile as Scott walked over to Jimmy and Lizzie. 

Writers Note:

Oops forgot there will actually be 5 more chapters (that includes this one and the epilogue). I'm not making Owen evil in this au just making him jealous that Jimmy is now Scott's bestie.  I wonder if Jimmy and Scott were together would Owen be Scott's bestie again???? I dunno don't ask me. nor Mila he probs doesn't know what's going on in the story as the last thing he saw was sailor moon Xornoth (pink shirt day).

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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