Apple Grenade

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~Joel pov~

Joel was eating lunch with his friends and Jimmy. Jimmy was new but he was "ok". Lizzie wouldn't stop harrassing everyone about the cafe. Joel wasn't even going to work there. Lizzie had insisted that he helped. It was Pie week the best food at school was today. Joel was about to tuck in to his chicken,cranberry and camebert pie when he felt something. first it was wind then it was warmth. Then it was like all the suns had dropped onto his face and it was melting. "AGGhGHGhgGhGGHhgghghGghGHg"He screamed "Oh god Joel" Cried Lizzie poking him with a napkin. All of his friends began wiping the mince of him. He was going to smell of meat for the rest of the day. When it was gone and he was pretty sure his whole face numb a food fight broke out. Joel flipped the table and gathered his friends. "Ok guys on the count of 3 we run" said Joel trying to be the sensible one. "Wait a minute were is Katherine?"questioned Jimmy looking around the room. "She probably fled the scene" thought Joel grumpily. "We can't run" said Fwhip heroically.He was hugging his sister Gem tightly. "We must fight back". Fwhip took a bite out of the apple he was holding and tossed it acroos the room. "oh well thought time for revenge"Joel grabbed someones hot crossiont and threw it at Xornoth. It hit him smack bang in the face. "Goallllllllllllll!!!"screamed Joel. He was happy until he realised that a teacher was watching him. "Fudge-" mutttered Joel as the teacher stopped the food fight and called him over. "Wish you luck"Whispered Lizzie. Great now Joel had to bare the shame of walking with the teacher. As the Teacher got close she probably smelt the mince. "Wha-I'm not gonna ask"said the teacher disapporvingly.

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