Llama Buddies (I have to)

149 7 9

~Jimmy pov~

Jimmy burst out his french class after embarrassing himself after mispronouncing  Croissant, a simple french word he should have known. He went down the stairs almost being knocked back up by everyone running to do lunch activities. He kept walking only to be pinned to a wall by Xornoth. "Where is Joey?" he asked menacingly. "Umm well stealing Shubble's seat in the cafeteria" responded Jimmy pretty sure he would be correct. Xornoth let go and walked away, his black hair almost melting into his hoodie. Jimmy as he thought, was absolutely correct about the whole Joey stealing Shubble's seat. Even though they didn't assign cafeteria seats Jimmy was pretty shocked to find someone in his usual seat. He usually sat between Scott and Katherine (across from Lizzie and Joel). The person that sat in his spot had dark brown hair and eyes. He wore an eyesore of an orange vest under a white t-shirt. Scott looked up at him. "Hi Jimmy, this is my friend Owen!"he said smiling at his friend. "Oh hi," said Jimmy, quietly eyeing up his seat. "where did you to meet?" asked Jimmy assuming they hadn't known Owen for as long as him. "We met at a petting zoo were a llama named Mia started chewing on my hair" chuckled Owen making Scott smile. "Cool, now could I just sit in my seat?" Jimmy said trying to erase any hint of anger in his voice. "Why don't we play truth or dare" said Owen entirely avoiding the question. Lizzie stood up claiming she was no chicken. They ran to the school field and sat in a circle. Everyone was their except for Pix, Fwhip and Xornoth. They took turns until scott got asked . Scott being a chicken chose truth. "who was your first kiss?" asked Joey. Jimmy was about to say he hasn't kissed anyone but Scott spoke. "Owen" he said laughing. "WHAT" said Jimmy a little to loud. "Explain please" mumbled Jimmy. "Ok...."

"When you play a game of WeDdInG with a bunch of 11year boys as a 5 year old you really don't know how it works, right. well to make a long story short we kissed" said Owen lauging.

 "You weren't the one to wear the wedding dress" said Scott. "Well I guess we are married" chuckled Owen. Jimmy indeed was not enjoying Owens company. "I'm getting a divorce" said Scott before grabbing Jimmy and running away. 

Once they were far away Jimmy spoke ."what have you done?" Jimmy started "you have just created a new ship for Lizzie" he sighed laughing. "Oh great" muttered Scott.

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