5 minutes and 26 seconds late

143 5 0

~Scott Pov~

Scott woke up to his aunt shaking him. "SCOTT!!!". "Huh" said Scott confused about what was going on. You see Scott tended to rely on Xornoth for waking him up, and today he was very late. He threw himself towards his bag, scooping up his books and homework. He grabbed a hot cross bun on the way out. He brought his bike out the shed and left. He munched on the bun as he rode. Nearly bumping into several cars." Sorry" he said as he tried to remain in control with the bike. He chained his bike and ran inside. He burst into his class room taking a deep breaths." that will be 5minutes and 26 seconds out of your lunch time" said Miss Doormat sitting next to Miss Vase ,whom was eating peanut butter from the jar. Scott slumped down next to Joel. "You good??"whispered Joel. "Yeah, just late"he replied. "Umm you definetly look late" Joel said as he watched Scott stare back at Jimmy who was giving him confused as look. "what do yo mean??"switching back to his convesation." Your in your Pjs" he said. Indead Scott was. He banged his head on the desk. Joel handed him his spare gym clothes and Scott changed. incase your wondering Scott was wearing Frozen Pjs cause yeah. At lunch everyone sat down. "You saved my bacon" said Scott talking to Joel." Happy to help" he said giving him a thumbs up. Jimmy walked over. "you looked cute in your Pjs" he laughed. Scott went bright red. "P-Platonically of course" he choked out nervously. laughing unaturally. "thanks" said Scott as he watched Jimmy walk over to talk to LIzzie. "Ok Scott so let me fill you in on the Juicy stuff that happened this morning". "Lemme guess, My brother"he said unsuprised. "Yeah, whi told you"he asked. "I kinda lived with him my whole life"he said. "Oh yeah".

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