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~Shubble pov~

Shubble had a huge palm leaf in her hand, and heaved it towards their camp. Tonight they were building tents for their groups. They used some string around a tree to hold their leaves, and they had a pretty sturdy roof. Katherine was gathering rocks to hold down the sides. Shubble watched Owen turn around and knock out Olli with a stick. Katherine sighed. They were left with a pretty big shack. They looked at some of the other teams. It seemed that the Team Crimson tent was invisible. They were attempting to nail a handmade ladder to the tree. Soon it was dark. Clouds loomed in the sky, covering the moon from sight. Miss Vase spent an hour trying to start a fire until Xornoth knocked her out the way and started it. Everyone gathered around the campfire for lore reasons. Cause that's how all campfires start. Xornoth told an unnecessarily, unoriginal and scary story. (Not like he doesn’t do that almost every day to Scott.) “Ok guys, let’s play truth or dare!” said Joey excitedly. little did he know this would backfire when someone asked him if he liked Xornoth. Joey telling the truth said “Duh. Of Course!-” without thinking for a second. Xornoth gave Scott a superior scoff. “Who doesn't?" he said, smirking. Everyone, including the teachers, raised their hands… well, except Joey. Miss Vase brought out her ukelele, and broke into song. Shubble felt Katherine grab her hand and pull her into the bush. Shubble let herself be dragged until they got to the side of the river. The cold stones pressed against them. The moon had come out of the clouds covering, she could see it in the corner of her eye, filtering through the bush. “Do you- umm.. like me..?”said Shubble. Silence lingered between them before Katherine pulled Shubble into a kiss. It was the best feeling in the world.

Writers Note 

I can’t …….. This chapter- Sophie

The pain of writing the kiss scene was immense. - Mila

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