The Final Judging (♫ de dew dew de dew dew dew♫ )

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~Joey pov~

Joey threw his hands around Xornoth in a tight hug. Xornoth swung his head around and pushed him on the floor. "Worth it" thought Joey as he stood up. Everyone left the room except Joey. He pulled a small bottle of spice from his apron. He tumbled backwards avoiding the teacher's glare. He peeped up from the counter. He was face to face with a hot apple pie. He removed the cap of the glass bottle and tipped it between the squares framed by the pastry. Joey grinned exiting through the fire exit. Xornoth waited, checking his watch and tapping his foot. Everyone was in there waiting patiently for the results. Lizzie and Scott had their ears pressed to the door. With a dramatic swing the door opened. The teachers had finished tasting. Joey walked over to their cake which had a chunk missing, revealing a stripe of strawberry buttercream. Miss Doormat held a shiny pink envelope in her hands. Whispering began. The Teachers called for a drum roll. "In 3rd place we have ...Sausage's Team!!" They cheered and high-fived each other proud of their creation. "In 2nd we have ....Lizzie's team" Joel cheered Lizzie only looking mildly disappointed with herself. 'And in first place-'' Joey looked to Xornoth and Shubble. "We have... Jimmy's Team!!!". "YASSSS" screamed Pix. He realised everyone was staring and backed down." we really enjoyed the spice in your apple pie!" said Miss Vase, awarding them with a medal. Scott was confused but eventually just accepted it. Xornoth looked at Joey and eventually after school confronted him. "WHAT WAS THAT!!!" he said, pinning Joey to a locker. Joey kissed him. Xornoth froze his eyes wide. Joey slipped away and ran. Fortunately Xornoth didn't chase him. Weird. 

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