Somekind of origin story

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~Jimmy pov~

Jimmy had just finished a heated test. He had watched Scott bang his head on the table several times. Meanwhile Lizzie had her feet on the desk and was finished. Scott jogged up beside him. "Jimmy"he said puffing as he stopped next to him. "Yeah"he said he said as he watched Scott recover ,stopping to look at the ceiling. You *huff want to *huff have lunch *huff together. Jimmy couldn't help but notice he was extremly red in the face. It could have been he had just ran or was he- no blushing? Then Jimmy stopped "who are you to be in brain!?!? he yealled at his thoughts. Scott watched as Jimmy started making a confused as he stared at his forehead. Jimmy blinked once and then realised Scott was staring. "Uhh y-yeah"he stutterd quickly.  Jimmy sat down with his beatiful processed cheese and hummus sandwitch. Scott had a pb&j. "Scott were not aloud peanut butter at school"said Jimmy. "Oh yeah well Lauren made it" he said ,"On the subject of baking what are we doing for our bakeoff dish?". "Ohh maybe an apple pie like the one mum made for me whilst I struggled with the homework she gave me"said Jimmy. "Why were you homeschooled?" Scott asked. "Well..."

It started when I was little, 1st grade to be exact I had problems people would steal my stuff  (my favourite music disc) and it was until one day. I was in class with Lizzie when someone or two someones decided that it would be funny to pull a "prank" on me. They challenged me to a climbing race where we had to well climb. There was this huge triangle that was made of rope. It had a massive pole in the middle. I got to the top second to one of the someones. He stared at me in the eyes and said "LONG LIVE THE KID" and then pushed me. I fell ... And bruised my back and had a concusion and had a phobia of school and a phobia of rope for a while.

Scotts eyes were wide. His mouth open wide like a trout. "To be fair I would to if I were a parent"he said he then trailed off "to bad I'm gay..."he mumbled under his breath. "Your gay!?!?!?" he said quickly. Scott jumped a little. "umm I'm m-mean your gay" he said adjusting his tone and then turning away to pretend he was looking at something else. "Y-yeah" said Scott trying to catch a glimpse of Jimmy's face.

Writers Note: another solo weekend job for Sophie I can't wait to see Mila's reaction oh and when I tell her how wonderful the people that read this are...
( Sophie continues to trail of but don't worry I'll spare your ears)

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