Booted out the back

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~Scott pov~

Scott had just finished another Integrated Studies class, and he stuffed his homework into his bag. It was raining incredibly hard, and even Joey's annoying voice couldn’t drown out the rain. Scott narrowly slipped trying to catch up with Xornoth. "Get away." He said, rolling his eyes. Joey jumped back a bit. "Aunt Zside said you have to drive me home!!" Scott teased. Xornoth frowned. “Bye Xorny!” Smiled Joey as he skipped off into the horizon. Xornoth tensed, obviously not wanting to drive Scott. “Get in the truck..” He whispered, sounding defeated. Scott walked over to the black van. From the tinted window of the van he watched Jimmy jump onto a pink bike he had borrowed from Lizzie for the price of.. Working overtime. Ugh. I get she needs more help but really at least give me a dollar more?. Before Scott could do anymore Xornoth put his foot to the pedal. Scott slid to the back, ready for what was to come “And that's gonna bruise” he thought as he was tossed around the back. It wasn’t comfy but it was at least dry... That was until Xornoth opened the side door on a sharp corner, causing Scott to tumble onto the curve. Fortunately he tumbled in front of Oyster Cafe, and even more fortunately, Jimmy was cleaning the huge window displays. The windows looked crystal clear, he must've done a great job at it. Maybe thats why he’s the favorite employee of the week. They blinked at each other for a few seconds wondering what to do. Jimmy shook his head and headed outside. From under the shade of the stripey,pink tarp thingy he pulled Scott inside with a big tug. “LIZZIE!! Where's the first aid kit?!!!” He shouted from outside sharply. “We don’t have one, but I can get some bandaids from my house? It’s only a while away.” Suggested Lizzie. “We live in the same house, Lizzie.” Grumbled Jimmy, not impressed. “I do have these frozen band-aids, though” she responded happily. When they finished putting the band-aids on Scott looked like a ‘real quirky teen!!!’ Scott spent the rest of the day doing homework with Jimmy whilst having an oyster cafe delicacy Hot chocolate. Scott smiled at Jimmy “Thanks heh..” he said as he pulled Jimmy into an essentially really awkward hug. ”Hey, no problem.”

Writers note: 
Tea is really hot - Mila
Try using an ice cube - Sophie
Oh yeah tysm for like 400 views omg - Milaaaaaaa
399 to be exact - Sophie
Same thing - Mila

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