Lil somthin called Rainbow tag

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~Shubble pov~

Mr Doormat got out a gong in the morning. Shubbles and everyone else's ears were still ringing from the obnoxious noise. The obnoxious noise was not the gong though. It was a loud shriek from Xornoth as he ran down the hall. Miss Vase yawned tiredly next to him. "Right" he said his hands on his hips. "Morning Fitness!". Everyone groaned. Shubble still had bruises from Mr Doormat's P.E. Miss Plesiss gulped. After being adorned with with cuts from doing bear crawls on the concrete floor .Shubble had breakfast. There was peace at first and Shubble had a nice conversation with Annie Lesbean. Until Xornoth dumped a bucket of syrup from this mornings pancakes onto Joel. Lizzie started chuckling. After Mr *Runndellion helped Joel de-surypfy himself ,the teachers anouncced a game. "Rainbow Tag!"said Miss Plessis. After the rules were briefly explained the game started. Parents had wet cloths. Shubble found the colour white. The adult gave her arm a streak of white on her wrist. The news of the first colour spread like wildfire. And soon there was only one colour left. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. Xornoth found it first. "Do you have all the colors?"asked shelby. "Yes"said a proud xornoth. Then shubble got hit with a cloth. She froze. The parent walked over and luckily only wiped off one colour. "Hah you won't win"he chuckled frogetting there was still and adult near him. He got hit bang in the face with the dripping cloth. "Got you!!" the man cried out. He wiped all of Xornoths colours. For the next few minutes he desperately scraped up as many colours as he could. Shubble found Green underneath the bridge to the boys dormitorys. Shubble sneakily found her way to Miss Vase. The Siren went and everyone was brought back. Xornoth was wide eyed in shock. They made it back to there dormitory. Everyone but Shubble and Katherine were left. Katherine laughed and wiped a smuge of blue that had found it's way onto shubbles cheek. 

Writers note:
I played rainbow tag at my year 6 camp. Oh and @Annielesbean if u are uncomfortably with being mentioned just tell me and I can edit it.
oh and can some one tell me how to write a kiss scene for shub and kath... good bye for now

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