Xornoth being Xornoth for 337 words

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~Xornoth Pov~

"How dare he"muttered Xornoth as he lay on his room floor.  It was dark outside apart from the glow of the moon. " I'm gonna kill him tomorrow". "All he does is make a fool of himself and me". These are thoughts that circled Xornoths head until the morning. He didn't feel in the mood to wake up Scott.  He drove his van down the street sighing as he splashed Joel with a nearby puddle. He felt people stare at him as he walked into the gossipy hall. Joey was there. "Morning Xorny" he said trying to give Xornoth a hug. Xornoth took a slight step to the side making it look like Joey was hugging air. "How are you?" Joey asked, a smile beaming on his face." Worse now that your here"he said just loud enough for Joey to hear." Ok-k well we have class come soon so could you come with me to my locker?" Joey said only looking mildly hurt." leave me alone" he said. Joey turned around. "What?" he said with a confused glare. "Leave me alone" he repeated louder. "Huh" Joey said even more confused. " I  SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"yelled Xornoth not caring that half the school was watching. Joey stumbled backwards and ran. Xornoth grinned at the sight of this, feeling so much better. His fluffy black hair over his eyes. He felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Shubble. " Xornoth you just lost your only friends"she started. "have fun being alone" she chuckled slapping him as hard as she could. Xornoth felt a burning sensation on his skin. his hand racing to his cheek. He could hear Lizzie congratulating her. calling her a boss bleep. It didn't matter what just happened. Xornoth just needed to be in class. As he walked in he saw Joey in his usual spot with his arms cross. Xornoth sat down next to him." Look Jo-"he started. Joey stood up and swapped desks with Shubble. "oh great it's you" she complained. 

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