Revenge of the Mince pie

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Joel Pov: 

Joel had packed all his stuff and walked to the bus. He was desperately wiping at the mark on his cheek of his mothers mandarin coloured lipstick. Bleugh. He saw Lizzie on her phone posing with Gem.They had  a LOT of stuff. And then if you looked to the side you would see Jimmy and his singular backpack. Just like his love life... for now. Joey was wearing sunglasses and a my little pony neck pillow. He also had a massive gold suitcase  that looked like it would explode at any minute. Xornoth came at a frightening pace. When he got close he booted the shaken Scott out of the back. Then he stepped out like a rockstar though unlike a rockstar Gem threw a tomato at him. Gem must have been saving it just for him. They hopped on the bus and the driver muffled a yelp when everyone moved to the side of the bus Xornoth wasn't on. The Bus was now dragging dangerously close to the road. (Ninjago reference??????) Joel high-fived Gem, sitting down next to her and Lizzie "What's the plan again?" Lizzie asked. "Well.." Joel began. Xornoth had his beady little eyes on Joel trying to figure out what his plan was. It would be hard to tell because of Joel flailing  his hands around the place like an idiot. 

The plan was all figured out. All they had to do was wait for the nightfall and then another opportunity, then, revenge would be finished. Joel would rest assured he would be awoken by a scream. That night after an excessive amount of food Joel waited until everyone was asleep. He crept down the hallway passing a sleepy Scott that had fallen off the top bunk and was lying on the floor. Jimmy was looking down on him. Joel rushed past, nearly being seen. Xornoth lay on the bottom bunk innocently. Well as innocently as a demon can get. He slipt his clammy hands into the warm water and ran back to his bunk.  

Writers Note: (Sophie) I was an idiot and ate 2 whole pies and muffins on the last day at my camp

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