Mila prophecy is real (lol if you didn't see her post)

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~Xornoth pov~ (yayyyyyy...)

Xornoth had not expected the weird out of place event. Instead of supposedly working on their team's dish for the bakeoff they were taken to a cold classroom. It wasn't much different from their own. On each of the small green glue covered desks was a headset. A Vr headset. Xornoth almost saw Scott had a panicked look on his face as if he remembered a problem he had when Xornoth had one at home. "Ok everyone sit down" called a teacher at the front of the class. Everyone obeyed, well nearly everyone Joey fluffed about trying to push a desk closer to Xornoths. Once everyone quieted down they listened to the teacher rant about herself for a good 30 minutes whilst her partner just said "hi". Lizzie seemed to be the only one paying somewhat attention. Joey however was on his phone texting Xornoth who just read but wouldn't bother to text back. Finally the teachers let him put on the headset. It was cleaner and less cheeto dusty than his own. All he could see was a load of fish. "Ok guys were on the loading page"she said clearly. "Nobody stand please, we don't want any broken equipment or kids please... it's happened". Xornoth immediately stood up. Not like teachers cared. "Umm Miss V could you like? Keep that child sat down". "Nah" they replied as they continued playing cat games. Xornoth found his way to Scott... and slapped him. Scott fell over and Jimmy's chair fell over with him. And then Joey knocked Xornoth over. That was when the teachers had to intervene. Jimmy had a headache and Scott had a bright red mark on his cheek from being slapped in the face. The teachers sighed as Joey clutched his bruised butt. The teachers went on a rant about sea life and stuff as a stingray attacked the underwater camera. It was a small jump scare that Xornoth could see coming from a mile away. They could hear small yelp from Lizzie as they played the video on loop. Shubble however was not on the right headset video and was watching a cat hopelessly try to catch a laser.

Writers note:

Yes this was the prophecy/artwork you got from @Malisadoormat as a spoiler. If you didn't see it start following her now to get the spoilers sooner rather than now. I'll still post it in the next chapter cause yah it's also a 1k reads piece of art- Sophie

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