3. Strange Teacher

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When Dumbledore announced that the Triwizard Tournament was to be held at Hogwarts, Luna and Carly were not very interested in it, since they were too young to participate.
The whole school was buzzing about who would be chosen as the Hogwarts champion, and the students were looking forward to the arrival of the foreign competitors from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.
Luna was nervous about more people coming to Hogwarts, as it meant more people were able to bully her, and her and Carly had more people to hide their secret from.
But the girls had more pressing concerns, like their new defence against the dark arts teacher; Alastor Moody.

"I'm just saying, that he's not what I expected" commented Luna, as her and Carly entered the Room of Requirement after their 2nd lesson with Moody.
"What, you mean you weren't expecting him to teach us the Unforgivable Curses in a classroom, behind the Ministry's back?" Asked Carly.
"It's not that, for I was fully expecting him to show us powerful, possibly illegal magic. But he's just not what I pictured in my head, when I thought about the famous Mad-Eye Moody. I mean, half of the cells in Azkaban are full because of him. But that mythical man, doesn't seem like the same man in our classroom" admitted Luna, as she absentmindedly fiddled with the charm necklace her mother had given her.

"Well, he's an ex-auror now. He's probably changed a lot since his retirement. I had heard that he was extremely paranoid, and it seems like that rumour is true. He tells our class every lesson, that people are out to get us. He's always going on about constant vigilance" said Carly.
"In our case though, that is actually true. Our classmates would love to hand us over to the Ministry, and watch as the Dementors suck out our souls. And apparently Moody can see through walls, so we had better be careful around him, as I don't want him to put us in Azkaban either" replied Luna.
"Don't say things like that" shuddered Carly.
"Sorry" apologised Luna.
"You're forgiven Lulu"
"You're too nice"
"Only to you. I'm not nice yo anyone else, which is probably  why everyone thinks I'm a bitch, especially Harry".

Luna frowned, "I'm sure that Harry doesn't think that".
"He does... When I first started at Hogwarts, I was so excited to get to meet my half-brother. I had basically grown up with Nym as my sister, but I had always wanted a brother. And when Andy told me I had one,xI couldn't wait to get to know him. But when we started hanging out, it was clear that he didn't want me around... We all know how Harry feels about Slytherins, so his hatred of my house doesn't exactly do me any favours. However, I'm pretty sure he would still hate me, even if I was in Gryffindor" sighed Carly.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Sure, he might not like you very much, or want anything to do with you, but that doesn't mean he despises you. You are just very different people, and that is a good thing" insisted Luna.

The dinner bell sounded a few moments later, and Luna dragged a reluctant Carly out of the room.
The second they entered the corridor, they stepped apart, creating some space between them, so that no one would think they were any more than friends.
"I wish friends could sit together during meal times no matter what house they were in" grumbled Carly, as they headed towards the great hall.
"Even if it was allowed, I still wouldn't want to sit with you, as the Slytherins are pretty awful to me. You're the only person in your house, who doesn't treat me like a freak. And I don't like being around other Slytherins, for any longer than necessary" replied Luna.

"I guess I'm lucky that the only people who really give me grief are the Gryffindors, and occasionally the other Slytherins. The Ravenclaws basically just ignore me" admitted Carly.
"They ignore me too. I'm the Ravenclaw freak, the one that doesn't fit in. I'm an outcast in my own house" Luna said sadly.
"What's so good about fitting in anyway?" Grinned Carly, as she playfully elbowed Luna in the ribs.
Luna rolled her eyes, "People that fit in, don't get bullied".
"True. But they are also super boring" reminded Carly.
"I guess I don't want to be boring either"
"Good, because I definitely don't want a boring best friend".

"I think you would go insane if you had a boring best friend" chuckled Luna.
"I definitely would. What would I do with a boring best friend anyway?" Questioned Carly.
"Boil them in a stew?" Suggested Luna, with a grin.
"Sometimes I think that I'm a bad influence on you"
"Where on earth would you get an idea like that?"
"You were so innocent when I met you, and now look at you"
"I suppose my mind is a bit darker, it's true. But you're not souly to blame for that, as the bullying forced me to grow a thicker skin and a darker mindset".

When they reached the great hall, they went their separate ways, and sat down at their house tables.
During the feast the night, the foreign students arrived.
The Durmstrang lot sat with the Slytherins, and the Beauxbatons students sat at the Ravenclaw table.
This made Luna and Carly rather grumpy, as they spent their whole meal squished next to someone else in their house.
Luna was disinterested during Dumbledore's speech, when he explained about the Goblet of Fire. Instead, she spent the evening doodling pictures of Carly in the back of her notebook.
With everyone focused on Dumbledore and the foreign students, no one paid her the slightest bit of attention, which suited her just fine.

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