92. Murder At The Manor

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When Luna visited her dad during the first day of the Easter holidays, she was devastated by what she saw.
The place that had once been her home, now felt like a shell of its former self. And it was all Harry's fault, for going to see her dad in the first place.
The bedroom that had once been full of so many of her personal belongings, was now empty.
The wall that her and Carly had painted together, with their handprints, was now blank.
And the sentimental items that her mother had left her when she died, were all gone.

Luna could do nothing to comfort her dad, as they had both lost so much, and no kind words would make anything better.
She didn't stay long at the cottage, as she couldn't bare to look at it anymore. So she returned to the Malfoy Manor, intending on spending the rest of the holidays with Carly and her family.
The girls also wanted to spend a lot of time continuing to fix up the Potter Manor, so that they would be able to move in, during the summer.

Luna and Carly were playing chess in the study of the Malfoy Manor one afternoon, when the alarm at the front gate went off.
Narcissa immediately went up to go and see who it was, and returned shortly later with a large group of people; 4 teenagers, a bunch of Snatchers, and a goblin.
Carly's jaw dropped when she realised that she recognised almost everyone who had been brought in.
Fenir Greyback seemed to be in charge of the group, with a couple of Snatchers at his side, that Carly didn't recognise.
But what shocked her the most was the appearance of Ron, Hermione, Dean, and a boy that she assumed was her brother Harry.

"They think they've caught Harry Potter, and since you three know him very well, you will be the ones to determine whether or not it is really him" announced Narcissa, pointing at Draco, then Luna, then lastly Carly.
Seeing as how Carly could recognise Hermione and Ron without any difficulty, she assumed that Harry was the black haired spectacle wearing boy, with the disfigured face. As Harry's best friends didn't travel far without him.

"What's wrong with his face?" Questioned Draco, asking out loud the very thing Carly was thinking.
"Dunno. He came to us like that" answered Greyback.
"If it really is my brother, then it makes sense that he would change his appearance to avoid being caught" admitted Carly.
Narcissa nudged Carly towards Harry, so that she could get a closer look, "Go on dear".
Carly bent down and looked at the boy's eyes.
He stared back at her with such hatred, that she had no doubt it was him.
The faint outline of his lightning bolt scar also confirmed her suspicions.

Even though Carly hated her brother, deeply, she wasn't sure that she wanted to out him to the other death eaters.
After losing Ted, Carly wasn't sure that she wanted another family member to die. She also did not want to watch Harry be murdered right in front of her.
"It could be him. But it is impossible for me to be 100% sure" lied Carly.
Harry raised an eyebrow, not believing that Carly was going to keep his identity a secret.

"She's right. It's too hard to tell whether or not it is really him" said Draco.
Carly was sure that Draco could also recognise his enemy, but like her, he had decided to keep Harry's identity a secret.
They had both seen too much suffering that year, and neither of them wanted to witness anymore. Especially if they were going to be asked to take part in Harry's demise.
Luna also recognised Harry, and even though she wanted to give him up, as he had been responsible for destroying her house, she kept her mouth shut and followed Carly's lead.

A moment later the door on the far side of the room swung open, and Bellatrix walked in.
Carly felt a lump in her throat at seeing her aunt, because she knew that Bellatrix thoroughly enjoyed torturing people. And Carly didn't want to see her brother in pain.
"What is going on in here?" Questioned Bellatrix.
"They think they've caught Potter" explained Narcissa.
"Well, if they have, then I had better summon the dark lord" announced Bellatrix, as she rolled up her sleeve, revealing her dark mark.

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