80. The Trade

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Harry placed his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a large locket, which he showed off to Carly.
"Do you recognise this?" He asked.
Carly frowned, "Yes, it's mine. How on earth did you get your hands on it?".
"Are you sure it's yours?" Questioned Harry.
"Of course I'm sure. It would be hard not to recognise the only thing my dad left me, before he died" answered Carly.
"Take a closer look".

Carly took the locket from her brother and began to inspect it, and as she did, she noticed several differences between it and the one in her trunk at home.
"O.K, no, this one looks slightly different to my one, and it's missing the S on the front" admitted Carly.
"That's because this one is a fake. It's a copy of your one" explained Harry, as he took back the locket, and pocketed it.

"Why have you got a replica of something I own?" Quizzed Carly.
"Your dad took the real one, and left this fake in its place, so no one would realise it was gone. So, when I came across it, I didn't realise it was a fake, until much later. I recently questioned Kreacher about the real locket, and he said he was unable to destroy it, as Regulus had instructed him to do. So, he went with plan B, which was hide it until it could be given to you" revealed Harry.

"So, Kreacher just sold out me and my dad, and told you all our secrets" frowned Carly.
"Sirius left me this house, so me and Kreacher are magically bound together. At least we were, that may have changed now that you legally own the building. But at the time, Kreacher was unable to lie to me, so he had no choice but to tell me that you have the locket" informed Harry.
"I only have the locket because Sirius found it in Regulus's belongs a couple of years ago, along with a note, and he gave them both to me" replied Carly.

"Well, I need the locket now, so you have to hand it over to me" announced Harry.
Carly folded her arms, "Oh yeah? And why would I do that?".
"Because I need it" answered Harry.
"What for?" Quizzed Carly.
"I can't tell you"
"Oh, I see. You just want me to hand over the only thing I have of my dad, and you won't even tell me why you want it".

"Trust me, I wouldn't ask unless it was really important. So, please give it to me" begged Harry.
"Why should I do what you say? I am not bound to obey you, like Kreacher is. So, why would I ever give you anything of mine? Would you hand over your dad's priceless artifact without a good reason? Would you let me take our father's Invisibility Cloak from you, on a whim?" Asked Carly.
"It's not a whim! We need the locket to save lives" informed Harry.
"How long do you need it for?"
"I don't know"
"And would I get it back in one piece, once you had finished using it?"
"I don't know".

"I see. So, why in Merlin's name should I give it to you then?" Demanded Carly.
"Because I'm your brother, and I'm asking you for a favour" answered Harry.
"Oh, so now you're my brother. You didn't sound much like it when you were berating me earlier, and calling me a traitor. Funny how you only remember that we are related, when it suits you. You're never there for me, when I need you. But when you need help, you come crawling back to me, expecting me to drop everything and do whatever you need me to do" spat Carly.

"Look, we don't have time for petty childish squabbles or sibling rivalry. The fate of the wizarding world is in my hands, and I have a task to do. I cannot complete my mission without your help. So, please will you help me" pleaded Harry.
"Why should I? What will I get out of it?" Asked Carly.
"You owe me, for betraying me all these years, and getting people killed, that I care about" replied Harry.
"I don't owe you shit!".
"Do you honestly not care at all, about all the people suffering in the current climate, because your your actions?" Questioned Hermione.
"I happen to think things are changing for the better. I quite like this new modern world we are moving into" answered Carly.

"I know you Carly. And I know that you can't be happy with the way Muggle-borns are being treated" Harry said quietly.
"Whether or not I am happy with it, doesn't matter. All that is important is dismantling the homophobia in this country, and making things better for me and Luna. If supporting the dark lord is what it takes, then that is what I will do" informed Carly.
"But with him in charge, the world will become a much darker and crueler place. Surely you can't be happy about that?" Questioned Harry.
"The world has always been cruel. Me and Luna both learned that at a very early age. The only thing that has changed is the people the world is now being cruel towards".

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