99. The End

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After joining Voldemort, and fighting hard in battle, the girls were happy that they came out victorious in the end.
They had suffered some loses, but it had all been worth it.
Harry was dead, as were a bunch of Order members, so there was hardly anyone left to oppose them.
The war was almost over, and the girls walked alongside Voldemort and the rest of the death eaters, to face the surviving rebels, and force them to give up.
Everything was going so well, until Harry miraculously returned from the dead, and the parents of the children at Hogwarts suddenly lept into the fight, changing the odds of the battle.

The girls ran into the castle after the rebels, intending to keep on fighting, but everywhere they looked, they saw death eaters falling around them.
Greyback, Macnair, Dolohov, and even Bellatrix were all killed by those in the Order.
When Harry began circling Voldemort, the fighting in the room stopped, as everyone turned to look at them.
It was the most pivotal moment of the fight so far, and everyone held their breaths in anticipation.

"We've got to get out of here" hissed Carly.
Both her and Luna were hiding behind a fallen table in the corner of the room, peeking over to look at Harry and Voldemort.
They were out of breath, and covered in blood, but neither of them had been grievously wounded yet.
"We can't leave" whispered Luna.
"Harry is about to take on the dark lord, and we don't want to be seen around here when he defeats him, because we will be arrested and sent to Azkaban.  That is if they don't kill us first" replied Carly.

"You don't honestly think that Harry is powerful enough to beat the dark lord, do you?" Asked Luna.
"My brother just returned from the dead. We saw him die in the Forbbiden Forest, yet he was somehow able to come back. He's the boy who lived, and I'm not entirely sure if he can die. So yes, I think he might be capable of defeating the dark lord" admitted Carly.
"But even if he can't die, I don't think the dark lord can either. I especially don't think he can be killed by a kid who really only knows Expelliarmus. Besides, we both know that Harry is not a killer" replied Luna.

"Look, even if Harry fails, there are a dozen competent people in this room who could kill the dark lord in Harry's place. I think we might be some of the only death eaters still alive, which means there is no one else to aid the dark lord. Our master may be a powerful wizard, but even he can't take on a whole army singlehandedly" said Carly.
"If we are the last death eaters left standing, then we have to keep fighting until the very end. Everything is riding on us now" replied Luna.
"We cannot defeat an army by ourselves either, and the three of us cannot maintain our rule over the wizarding world. Face it, it's over".

"No, it can't be. We have to keep fighting. Even if we die, it will be worth it, because we will be laying down our lives for a cause that we both believe in" insisted Luna.
"There is no point in us needlessly throwing our lives away. If we continue fighting now, we will be killed. There is no chance of us beating everyone in this castle, and coming out alive" replied Carly.
"But we can't just run away, like cowards" said Luna defiantly.
"There is nothing cowardly about backing out of a fight that we cannot win. We have been fighting for hours now, but there is no more we can do. We have to walk away".

"But where will we go? Nowhere will be safe for us. We could hide in 12 Grimmauld Place or the Potter Manor, but we would never be able to step foot outside again, to go out and buy food. We wouldn't survive like that. So, what are we going to do?" Questioned Luna.
"Nowhere in this country is safe for us anymore. Even if we disguise ourselves and take on new identites, we won't be safe. Besides, I cannot live in a country where there is a price on my head. And I don't want to live in a place where I cannot love you openly. I have a feeling that after this war is over, the law banning same sex couples will be brought back. Which means that we cannot stay in this country" announced Carly.

"If we can't stay in England, or anywhere in the UK, then where will we go?" Quizzed Luna.
"I don't know. But I don't care where we end up, as long as I'm with you" answered Carly.
"In that case, I have heard that some countries in Europe are more accepting of LGBTQ+ couples. So, maybe we should move there. No one would look for us out there, but I've got no idea how we would survive in another country, especially without any money" admitted Luna.

"I can take us back to the Potter Manor and take all the jewels out from the cellar. That should keep us going for a while" reassured Carly.
"But we don't even speak any other languages" pointed out Luna.
"Then we will learn. We are quick learners afterall... But if we want to live, we have to leave now, before anyone starts looking for us" replied Carly.
Luna took one last look over at Harry and Voldemort, just as they raised their wands at each other.
She then turned back to Carly and nodded her head.
"Let's go" agreed Luna.

Carly smiled and grabbed hold of Luna's hand.
The pair then began running out of the hall as fast as their legs would carry them.
They heard the sound of cheering coming from the great hall behind them, indicating that Harry had won the duel against Voldemort.
But neither of the girls stopped to look back, as they knew they couldn't risk it.
They kept running until they were off of school grounds, and could apparate away to safety.

The girls disguised themselves and snuck into Gringotts to take all of their money from their vaults.
They then headed to the Malfoy Manor to collect the majority of their belongings, before apparating to the Potter Manor.
"It's such a shame that we don't get to live here, since we spent so much time doing it up" sighed Carly, once the girls had packed up the remainder of their things.
Luna placed her fingers around Carly's and held her hand tight.
"I know. And maybe one day we will be able to come back here. But right now, it is too dangerous for us to stay here. If our enemies know we are here, they will place guards around the grounds, prohibiting us from leaving" reminded Luna.

"I know that. But it's just such a shame to leave all this behind" admitted Carly.
"We have no choice. We can never see our loved ones ever again. We have to do whatever it takes to stay alive now. You and me, on the run together, forever. It's the start of a brand new adventure for us both. And even though I'm scared, I know I'll be O.K, because I have you by my side" replied Luna.
"Then let's go and begin this new chapter of our lives" announced Carly.
"No looking back?" Asked Luna.
"No looking back" agreed Carly.
The two girls then disapparated, and were never seen by anyone who had known them, ever again.

The End...

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