49. One Out One In

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After spending most of the day using the Imperius Curse on Umbridge, to make her experience as much pain as possible, both Luna and Carly found it strange to return to their homes that evening, as if nothing had happened.
For the rest of the week, they continued sneaking off to the Malfoy Manor, behind their guardians backs.
And every time they returned home, they felt like they had distanced themselves a bit more, from their loved ones.
Using an Unforgivable Curse, was certainly making the girls much darker people.

The outside world was also becoming a much darker and colder place.
People were disappearing, and some were even ending up dead, for daring to cross Lord Voldemort.
Carly had given up reading the Daily Prophet, as she hated to find out who had been killed each day, since she felt in some way responsible for their deaths, as she was a death eater.
Every time Andromeda read the paper, her face fell, and Carly hated seeing her like that. Which was another reason she tried to get out of the house as much as possible.
Being around people who supported the Order, just made her feel guilty.

One day, after being dropped off by a death eater, Carly entered the Malfoy's living room, and found Luna already there, and engrossed in the newspaper.
"Have you read this?" Asked Luna, as her head snapped up, upon Carly's arrival.
"I've given up reading the Daily Prophet. It's too depressing, and full of Ministry of Magic propaganda" admitted Carly.
"Well, this is something a bit bigger than propaganda" informed Luna, as stood up and handed Carly the Daily Prophet.

"Fudge has resigned" gasped Carly, as she read the headline.
Luna nodded, "Yep. He resigned last night".
"Well, he probably thought it would look better if he resigned, before he got thrown out. We all knew he wouldn't last much longer. The public have been pressuring him to resign, ever since they found out that he had been lying about the dark lord's return" replied Carly.
"Yes, I was doubtful that he would make it until the end of the holidays".

"Who's Fudge been replaced by?" Questioned Carly curiously.
"Rufus Scrimgeour. There's an article about him on the following page" answered Luna.
"What do we know about him then?" Quizzed Carly, as she turned the page.
"Well, for starters he doesn't get on with Dumbledore. And the Prophet claims they've already had a falling out. But that could just be Rita Skeeter blowing things out of proportion again, as usual"
"Dumbledore doesn't get on with any politicians, because he likes to think of himself as the most important and powerful person. So, him not liking Scrimgeour isn't that big a deal"
"I guess that's true"

"What else do we know about our new Minister for Magic?" Asked Carly.
"Well, he used to be head of the auror department, and he's quite popular at the Ministry, which is why he got the top job" informed Luna.
"If he uses to be an auror, I guess that means he's a doer, and not just a pen pusher, like Fudge was" replied Carly.
"Yes, which is not good news for us, since it benefited our side to have an incompetent Minister in charge of the Ministry".

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter who they make Minister for Magic, because all those that work there, are incompetent. No one in government can stand up to the dark lord. They are not clever enough or powerful enough, to be a threat to him. All those in power, only care about themselves, and their reputation. None of them actually care about doing the right thing. And they are all far too scared to stand up to our master. So don't worry about Scrimgeour, for I'm sure that he will be no better than Fudge. I bet that he will be replaced soon anyway, as the Minister for Magic position, is a revolving door. Someone leaves, and someone replaces them just as quickly. One in, and one out. And that won't change until the dark lord takes over. Which I have a feeling will be very soon, judging by the progress he has made so far this summer. Now come on, we've got work to do. Aunt Bella is waiting for us, and we don't want to let her or the dark lord down" announced Carly, before leading the way down to the cellar.

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