18. Difference In Opinion

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Sirius wanted some alone time with his niece, before he was forced to leave with Dumbledore, so Carly and him decided to take a walk in the garden together.
Even though he was her uncle, he was a stranger to her, since she had no memories of him, which made the atmosphere rather awkward.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to be in your life before today" apologised Sirius.
"That's alright. You didn't exactly choose to end up in Azkaban for a crime you didn't commit" replied Carly.

"No, I didn't. But I feel like I've let you down, by being a shitty uncle, who was never around" admitted Sirius.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. I've had a good life so far, with Andy, Ted, and Nym" reassured Carly.
"Nym?" Questioned Sirius.
"It's my nickname for Nymphadora, since she hates her full name"
"Ah, I see. Well, I'm glad you've not had a bad upbringing. Harry pulled the short straw out of the two of you, by ending up with a cruel aunt and uncle, while you had a happy childhood, here with Andy".

Carly couldn't help but roll her eyes as the conversation turned to her more popular brother.
"He may have a bad times when he's with the Dursleys, but at least he has a perfect life when he's at Hogwarts. Everyone in the wizarding world loves him, because he's the famous boy who lived" grumbled Carly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Do I detect some resentment for your older brother?".
"Half-brother, and yes, there is some resentment there. Harry doesn't like me, because he hates that his father had an affair, and cheated on his mother to produce me" explained Carly.

"Does he know that Regulus is your second parent?" Asked Sirius.
"No, he thinks I have a normal mum and dad, like everyone else. Only Andy, Ted, Nym, Dumbledore, and you, know the truth" answered Carly, bending the truth slightly, so that she didn't mention Barty and Voldemort.
"What about your girlfriend, does she know the truth about you?" Questioned Sirius.
"Of course she does. There are no secrets between Luna and me. We do everything together, and we know everything about each other"
"I'm glad you have her in your life".

"Harry doesn't agree" mumbled Carly.
"You told Harry about you and Luna?" Quizzed Sirius.
"No, he caught us together at the Yule Ball, when he barged in on us kissing in an empty classroom. We've both been terrified ever since then, that's he's going to out us. At the time, he promised not to tell anyone, but he didn't say he would keep it a secret forever, since he doesn't like the thought of us being together" answered Carly.
"Surely your own brother wouldn't destroy your life like that?"
"Who knows. Like I said, the two of us don't get along. He's a popular Gryffindor, and I'm a loser in Slytherin".

"I do understand how you feel, really I do. Regulus and I never got on, especially once we started Hogwarts, and I was placed in Gryffindor, while he ended up in Slytherin. So, I am well aware that siblings don't always see eye to eye. However, I think you are judging Harry too harshly. In the time I've spent with Harry, the two of us have gotten on well. He appears to like spending time with me, and he seems like a good person. I can't imagine that he would out anybody, especially his own sister" admitted Sirius.
"Half-sister. And Harry is great at appearing good, when he isn't really... All I'm saying, is that you should keep your sexual preferences a secret from him. Because Harry doesn't approve of people like us, he's made that very clear" warned Carly.
"Alright then, I won't let him know that I used to date Remus. I don't want to ruin the relationship Harry and I have, by revealing to him that I'm gay".

"That's probably for the best... So, now that you're out of Azkaban, and we've been reunited, am I going to see a lot more of you in the future?" Asked Carly.
"I'm afraid that's not going to be possible. I practically had to beg Dumbledore to let me out today, and I can't see him doing it again any time soon" sighed Sirius.
"Well, if you can't come to me, why don't I come to you?" Suggested Carly.
"That's not possible either, for I am currently living at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters. Only those who are in the Order are allowed to enter the building".

"Oh, nevermind then. I just wanted to spend time with the closest family member I have. But if you don't want to see me, because you don't like the idea of your brother and best friend being together, then that's fine. You don't have to see me again if you don't want to" Carly said coldly.
"I do want to see you. You are my niece, and I want to get to know you. I may have reacted badly to learning about my brother and James, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about you. I want us to spend time together, but it's just not possible at the moment. I am sorry. But for now, this is the way things have to be. I don't like this situation anymore than you do. But until the Ministry clear my name, and accept that Voldemort is back, I have to stay inside, hidden away from the rest of the world for my safety. And Dumbledore won't have it any other way" replied Sirius.

"You know, I still don't understand why you joined Dumbledore and the Order in the first place" Carly said quietly.
"Because it was the right thing to do at the time. Dumbledore was the only one standing up to Voldemort, and me and my friends wanted to be the ones helping him do it" explained Sirius.
"But Dumbledore kind of used you all for his own benefit. He sent you on dangerous missions, and never had your backs. Lots of people in the Order died in his name" reminded Carly.
"A lot of people who weren't in the Order, also died. Not joining the Order did not guarantee your safety. Voldemort doesn't care who you are. If he believes you are a threat, he will just kill you. And Dumbledore did the best he could in the difficult position he was in. I am not angry at him for how things turned out".

"But why would you want to join sides with the Ministry, when they were the ones keeping you and Remus apart?" Questioned Carly.
"I joined Dumbledore, not the Ministry of Magic" insisted Sirius.
"They were both fighting Voldemort, which puts them on the same side" replied Carly.
"Well, what would you have done in my position?"
"I don't know. But I wouldn't have fought against the people who were trying to legalise the relationship I was in, and I know that Voldemort wanted to change the law that banned same sex relationships".

"You don't know what you're saying! He killed both of your parents, and is the reason you and Harry are both orphans! Look, Voldemort was a terrible person, a cold-blooded murderer, with no emotions. I don't care what your friends in Slytherin have told you, Voldemort was an evil man- if you can even call him a man. He wanted to get rid of all the Ministry's laws, not just that one, and throw the whole wizarding world into chaos. And now that he is back, he wants the same thing again. Almost dying has not made him a better person. All he wants is control, and he doesn't care about who gets hurt along the way" Sirius said sternly.
"He's also the only one campaigning to get the law changed. So, maybe that's why my dad joined him all those years ago, to allow him and my father to come out" suggested Carly.

"The only reason Regulus joined the death eaters, was because our parents made him. They forced their pure-blood beliefs on him, from the moment he was born, so he had no say in what he would become in the future. He joined Voldemort, as that was what was expected of him. And the moment he showed any back bone, and tried to escape that cult, he was murdered for being a deserter. Like I said, Voldemort doesn't care about anyone, but himself, least of all us. He uses our weaknesses to exploit us. The only reason he wants to change the law we so despise, is because he wants people like us to sympathise with him, and join his side, in order to get the law changed. It's all a ruse, he doesn't really care whether or not we should be able to love who we want, without fear of discrimination. He doesn't even understand the meaning of the word love. He is not human like the rest of us" announced Sirius.

"So, you're saying that I have to side with the Ministry, even though they are the ones who want to throw us in prison?" Frowned Carly.
"I know it's hard, but when you are older you will understand... I loved Remus deeply, but even back then, I understood that some things are more important than love. Doing the right thing, and protecting human life had to come before my own selfish desires to be with Remus. And my opinions on this haven't changed. The Ministry may have some awful laws, and terrible leaders, but they are better than the alternative. And I would take Fudge ruling us, over Voldemort any day" admitted Sirius.
"But Fudge is awful" protested Carly.

"I know. He's a man who's grave I would happily dance on any day, once he dies. But like I said, I would rather him run the Ministry, than Voldemort... And you agree right? You can't seriously want Voldemort to take over the world? Deep down you must understand that Voldemort is the enemy and not the Ministry. You don't want to be a death eater right?" Questioned Sirius.
"No. Of course not" lied Carly.
"Good. You had me worried for a moment there" admitted Sirius.
"Don't worry Uncle, I know exactly which side I need to be on. I am fully aware of which side is good, and which is bad"
"That's great to hear... Now, let's go in and rejoin Andy, because I'm sure she is missing us".

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