62. Goodbye Bitch

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The following morning after being collected by Bellatrix, Luna rejoined Carly, and the two of them headed down into the cellar to visit Umbridge.
They hadn't seen her since the end of the summer holidays, and they were interested to see what kind of a state she was now in.
As they both illuminated their wands and stepped inside the cellar, they were both shocked by what they saw.
The once plump, well put together, pink cladded woman, was now completely unrecognisable.
Her long, matted hair, hung limply at her shoulders, and her bones putruded through her thin, brown, sack like dress, which looked like something a house-elf would wear.
Umbridge's face was also gaunt, and her eyes were sunken in, making her extreme weight loss very clear.

The fragile looking skin covering Umbridge, was adorned with red writing, that the girls had forced her to inflict on herself using a blood quill.
Her body was also littered with cuts and bruises, from months of torture in the cellar. And she was covered in her own filth, as she had been unable to wash in all that time.
Umbridge was too weak to stand, so she knelt on the floor, with her arms chained behind her, above her head, stopping her from moving more than a metre away from the wall.

Both Luna and Carly shared a look, before turning back to Umbridge, and making their way over to her.
They both knew it was time to do what they had come there for.
They'd gotten their revenge on her for months, and it was now time to let go of Umbridge, so that they could move on, and look to the future.
Carly flicked her wand, causing the bonds around Umbridge's skinny wrists, to break.
Since they had been helping Umbridge to support herself, the woman then fell to the ground, making no attempt to stop herself.

Luna picked up two pieces of jagged rock, and transfigured them into make shift daggers.
She then passed one to Carly, who gripped it tightly in her hand.
Since Umbridge had hurt them both physically with the blood quill, rather than using magic on them, they thought it would be fitting, to end her in a physical way, instead of using the Killing Curse.
They also thought that stabbing Umbridge to death would be more satisfying for them.

"It is time for you to meet your end, Dolores Umbridge. You have destroyed so many lives, but today you will never again be able to hurt someone" announced Luna.
"And you can't say that you don't deserve this. Because you were the one that once told us, that bad people, deserve to be punished. This chain of events was started by you, and it ends today. You are not worth wasting food and water on, anymore. So, here we are, punishing the dictator, and finally putting an end to all this suffering that you started" added Carly.

"Goodbye Umbridge. I can say with absolute certainty, that I won't miss you, nor will I feel any guilt about what I'm about to do. For your death is justified" admitted Luna.
"I don't think there is a single person on this earth who will miss you, you despicable old hag. So, goodbye bitch, and I hope you rot in hell for all of your wrongdoings" announced Carly, as she lifted her dagger dramatically into the air.

Umbridge said nothing to try and defend herself.
She used to beg and plead for mercy, every time someone entered the cellar.
But she had given up talking a long time ago.
She didn't cry or scream when being tortured anymore, as all of the fight had been beaten out of her, leaving her nothing more than a shell of a person.
It was almost as it she'd had her soul taken out of her by Dementors, that was how empty and lifeless she was.

"Ready?" Carly asked Luna.
"Ready" responsed Luna, with a nod of her heard.
Carly struck first, plunging her dagger into Umbridge's side, before pulling it out again.
Luna then did the same, stabbing Umbridge on the other side of her body.
They both then drove into a frenzy, frantically taking it in turns to stab Umbridge in various places, using her as a way to help them get out all of their pent up anger at how unfair the world was.

After a few minutes they stopped stabbing, and took a few steps back from Umbridge's body, watching as a pool of blood formed around her.
Once the girls had gotten their breaths back, Carly kicked Umbridge onto her front, so they could see her face.
"Is she dead?" Asked Luna.
"Yes, I think so. She doesn't appear to be breathing anymore" answered Carly, as she prodded Umbridge with her toe, to see if she got a reaction.

Umbridge lay still, her eyes unblinking, her chest unmoving.
"It is done" Carly said quietly, before throwing her bloody knife onto the floor.
Luna copied her, and then wiped her hands on her trousers, in an attempt to wipe off some of the blood.
"Don't bother. We're both covered in blood, and it will never come off without magic. We need to go upstairs and wash, before putting new clothes on" continued Carly, before heading to the cellar door.

Luna waved her wand, turning the daggers back into ordinary rocks.
"You could've left them" said Carly.
"No, I couldn't just leave potential weapons lying around down here, as Umbridge isn't the only person in the cellar. Your aunts wouldn't be very happy if they found out that we'd inadvertently helped one of the dark lord's prisoners escape" replied Luna, before locking the door behind them.
"Most of them are also chained to the wall, but I suppose you make a good point... Come on, let's go. I want to get Umbridge's blood off of me as soon as possible, so that we can put all of this behind us, and move on. I don't want to think about her or what she did to us, ever again" announced Carly, as she lead the way back upstairs.

"We will never be able to forget what she did to us" reminded Luna, as she looked down at the bloody writing on the back of her hand.
"These scars show that we are brave, and that we lived through something terrible. They are nothing to be ashamed of" insisted Carly.
"I didn't say I was embarrassed by them, just that we will never be able to forget Umbridge, because we have to look at this, and remind ourselves of her every single day" sighed Luna.

"That's it, I going to get you a beautiful pair of gloves for every day of the week, so that you don't have to look at the writing ever again. That shall be my Christmas present to you" announced Carly.
"Well, you'd better hurry up and buy them then, since there is less than a week until Christmas" grinned Luna.
"Don't worry, there is always time for me to buy more presents to spoil my girlfriend with" replied Carly.

"Well, don't go too overboard. We don't all have rich family members who can give us money to buy whatever we want, remember. And I don't want to feel inadequate, because I can't spend as much on you, as you do on me" Luna said quietly.
"I know that whatever you get me, will be amazing. I don't care how much it costs, as long as it comes from you. Because I know it will come from the heart" insisted Carly.
"You can be really soppy sometimes, you know that" sighed Luna.
"Yep, I know" grinned Carly.

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