11. Training

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To get the girls ready for the war to come, Barty began pushing them harder in class, and even began teaching them spells outside of lessons.
Barty also gave the girls a permission slip at the end of each lesson, that enabled them to access the Restricted Section of the library.
Both girls liked this special treatment, and enjoyed learning new types of magic, even if it was a bit darker and more powerful than they were used to.
The Restricted Section was so off limits, that no one could see them when they were sat inside. Which meant they could be as close as they liked, without being afraid that someone would see them.

"Do you think we could make Polyjuice Potion one day?" Asked Carly one evening, as she flicked through a book about dark potions, that Barty had recommended.
The girls were sat at their favourite table in the Restricted Section, researching some of the things on a list Barty had given them.
"I don't see why not. Your brother did it when he was in his 2nd year" reminded Luna.
"You mean, Hermione made it in their second year. I'm pretty sure my brother had zero impact on that potion" admitted Carly.
"True. If Hermione was able to do it like 2 years ago, then I don't see why we shouldn't be able to brew it now, since we are 3rd years. She's not that much smarter than us, so I'm sure the two of us working together could figure it out".

"I think we should try to brew it as soon as possible" suggested Carly.
"We haven't got time. It takes over a month to brew. And we don't have half of the ingredients needed" reminded Luna.
"We should brew it next year then, and source the ingredients during the summer holidays" replied Carly.
"That could work. But who would we use the potion to be?" Questioned Luna.
"It doesn't matter. That's not the important thing. The point is that we would be able to turn into someone, if we wanted to"
"Yeah, you're right... I suppose we could transform into one of the teachers for fun, to test it out"
"Harry would get quite the scare if we turned into Snape"
"If think all the Gryffindors would be terrified if we became him".

"I'm sure that Barty and whoever his boss is, would be really impressed if we showed them that we could successfully brew Polyjuice Potion" said Carly.
"Yes, I bet they would be" agreed Luna.
"I wish Barty would tell us who his master is" sighed Carly.
"Well, I've been looking into it, but I haven't found anything out. Barty has no connection to anyone other than You-Know-Who, that I can find. And that evil man is dead. Barty was arrested for being a death eater, and he supposedly died in Azkaban shortly after, that's all I can find on him".

"Well, we know that the bit about his death is not true, because we've spoken to him. I would love to know how he escaped Azkaban" admitted Carly.
"Me too, but we've already asked him, and he won't say a thing" sighed Luna.
"I expect he escaped the same way my Uncle did last year. Voldemort must have given special instructions to his top death eaters, before he died, to help them break out of Azkaban, if they ever got captured" replied Carly.
"Hmm maybe".

"Well, if Barty keeps his promise then we should be able to meet his boss next week, as that's when the third task is. And maybe his master will tell us how Barty broke out of prison" suggested Carly.
"It would be cool if he did. However, I expect his boss will have more important things to talk to us about, than Barty's escape from jail" replied Luna.
"You're probably right. He will have a lot to discuss with us, regarding our future with him" agreed Carly.

"I hope Barty hasn't hyped us up too much, because I don't want his boss to be disappointed by us" Luna said quietly.
Carly lent across the table and squeezed Luna's hand.
"No one could ever be disappointed by you. You are talented, beautiful, and brilliant" complimented Carly.
Luna blushed, "You really think so?".
"I know so. Barty's master would be a fool not to accept you. And if for some weird reason, he doesn't want you, then he doesn't get me. For you and I, are a package deal. You don't get one without the other!" announced Carly.

"Shhh, or someone will hear you. Particularly Madam Pince, you know what she's like about talking in the library" hissed Luna.
"I don't care about us being overheard anymore. Besides, the bookshelves around the Restricted Section are pretty thick, so I doubt that old bat will be able to hear our conversation" said Carly.
"Just because we are planning to join the fight to make our love legal, it doesn't mean that anything has actually changed yet. Which is why we can't out ourselves" reminded Luna sadly.
"I know, I'm getting ahead of myself. But just picture it. One day, we will be able to walk hand in hand down the street, without fear of being arrested"
"Like you, I can't wait for that day to come... But until then we have to be careful, we can't risk anyone finding out about us"
"You're right, as usual".


When the bell rang, the girls packed up their books and exited the library, making sure to keep space between them as they walked, just in case anyone was watching.
It was quite late, but they weren't taking any chances, because the consequences of their relationship being discovered, were severe.
"I'll see you tomorrow then" said Carly, as they stopped outside the corridor that would lead her down to the dungeons, where the Slytherin common room was.
"You're so lucky you don't have to climb up a million stairs to get to your common room" sighed Luna, as she looked up at the grand staircases.

"That's one of the advantages to not having your common room in a tower. The only downside is, we don't get a cool view of the Hogwarts grounds, like I expect you do" admitted Carly.
"The views from the Ravenclaw tower are pretty spectacular, I admit. But you get to stare into the Black lake through your common room, which sounds pretty awesome" replied Luna.
"Yeah, if my brother had been in Slytherin like me, he would have done even better during the 2nd task, because he would have seen a lot of the lake and the creatures in it, every single day" grinned Carly.

"I hope you are not revealing house secrets, Miss Potter".
The girls spun around and saw Professor Snape standing behind them, looking as menacing as ever.
"Of course not Professor" lied Carly.
"Good. House secrets are not supposed to be shared with those from rival houses" reminded Snape.
"Of course Professor. Sorry Professor. It won't happen again" apologised Carly.
"It had better not... Anyway, hadn't you better be saying goodbye to your little friend, and heading down to your common room. You don't want to be caught out here when the final bell goes"
"I was just going"
"Very well then. Goodnight Miss Potter, Miss Lovegood"
"Goodnight sir".

Once Snape was out of sight, the girls felt safe to breathe again.
"You'd think that he would be nicer to you, since you're in Slytherin" commented Luna.
"Yeah, I know. I asked my Aunt Andy about him, since Snape normally favours those in his house, yet he hates me. And she told me that Snape used to loathe my father when they were at school together. Which is why Snape doesn't like me" revealed Carly.
"He shouldn't be cruel to you just because he didn't get on with your father" frowned Luna.
"That's Snape for you... Anyway, I had better go, so that Snape doesn't have an excuse to give me a detention"
"Goodnight Carly"
"Night. See you tomorrow".

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