74. Something Blue

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To Luna's suprise, Xenophilius was able to convince Nymphadora to meet up with Carly, on the day before her wedding.
But Luna wasn't willing to let her lover go alone, so she accompanied Carly to a park near the Tonks family home, where the meeting was to take place.
When they got there, they saw Nymphadora already sitting on a bench, with her arms folded.
"You're early" commented Carly.
"I wanted to get here first, to make sure you didn't have time to set up any traps for me" explained Nymphadora.
"This isn't a trap, it's just a conversation" insisted Carly.
"We'll see".

"I just wanted to talk to you, and see you one last time. That's the only reason you are here" reassured Carly.
"You swore to Xenophilius that you were going to come alone. So, why did you bring her?" Asked Nymphadora, pointing to Luna.
"She wanted to come, to keep me safe" answered Carly.
"Yes, where she goes, I go. And I wasn't about to let my girlfriend walk into enemy territory, alone" informed Luna.
"I'm the one who is in danger by coming here, not her" said Nymphadora.
"I wouldn't exactly say that it's any safer for us to be out in a public place at the moment, than you" admitted Luna.

"Is she going to stay here the whole time? Are we not going to get to talk alone?" Questioned Nymphadora, as she looked back to Carly.
"She won't go home without me. But she's not going to sit and listen to our conversation either" replied Carly.
"I'm going to secure the perimeter while you two talk, to make sure that no Order members turn up unexpectedly" added Luna.
"I'll come and find you when we're down" murmered Carly.
"Alright then. I'll see you later" sighed Luna, before strolling off down the path, to give Carly and Nymphadora some space.

"Since neither of you can legally apparate yet, do I even want to know how you got here today?" Quizzed Nymphadora.
"Probably not, no... So, how are you?" Asked Carly, as she sat down awkwardly, on the part of the bench furthest away from Nymphadora.
"You summoned me all the way here to enquire about my health?" Frowned Nymphadora.
"Yes. And to ask you about your wedding... You never told me that you liked Lupin. Even when we were all hanging out together at Grimmauld Place, the year before last. I told you that I was in love with Luna, but you never felt like you could talk to me about your feelings for Lupin. Why not?".

"Because at first it was nothing more than a one sided crush. So, I didn't feel the need to tell you about it. I didn't even tell Remus that I fancied him, until after the battle at the Ministry of Magic, when Sirius died. I've been trying to get him to date me ever since, but he kept refusing. He claimed that he was too old, too poor, and too dangerous for me. But after the battle in the Astronomy tower, when we lost Dumbledore, Remus agreed to go out with me, because he realised that life really is too short, so we need to make the most of it" revealed Nymphadora.

"But we were like sisters, during my 4th year, and all the time before that. I told you everything. So, why didn't you tell me about your crush on Lupin?" Demanded Carly.
"I don't think you always told me about all of your secrets. We wouldn't be sat here if you did... After what happened at the Astronomy tower, I told mother that I saw you, and she revealed that she had discovered what you were over the summer, and kicked you out. I couldn't believe that you had both lied to me, about something so huge, for nearly a whole year" replied Nymphadora.

"I couldn't exactly tell you the truth, since I had been kicked out, and Andromeda wouldn't let me back in the house. But despite her anger towards me, she still wanted to protect me, which is why she agreed not to tell anyone about what I am" informed Carly.
"But I'm not just anyone. I'm her daughter. She should have told me the minute she found out about you" said Nymphadora angrily.
"We didn't want you to know, because you are in the Order, and the two of us have conflicting interests" replied Carly.
Nymphadora scoffed, "Conflicting interests, that's one way of putting it".

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