8. Recruiting

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Carly liked walking around school, knowing Barty's secret, as it made her feel more important than everyone else.
Luna on the otherhand, was not convinced that they were doing the right thing, keeping Barty's identity a secret. But she would never dream of going back on her word, for she didn't break promises.
During their classes, 'Professor Moody' paid the girls no extra attention or gave them any special treatment, because he didn't want anyone to notice that he was treating them differently.
But when they passed each other in the corridors, he gave them a knowing wink, reminding them that they all shared a secret.

One afternoon, Barty held both girls back after class, instead of letting them go to dinner, claiming that their homework was below par, so he needed to discuss it with them.
Ginny knew that Luna and Carly were two of the smartest people in the class, so she found it strange and unbelievable, that both of them had failed their homework assignment. However, she didn't mention her suspicions to anyone, and left with the rest of her class.
Once everyone was gone, Barty ushered the girls into his office, so they could talk in private.

"Have we done something wrong?" Questioned Carly.
"Not at all. Please take a seat" instructed Barty.
Rather cautiously the girls sat down, and Barty copied them.
"If we haven't done anything wrong, then why are we here?" Asked Luna.
"Well, since I won't be at Hogwarts much longer, as the school year has nearly come to an end, I thought I should talk to you both" informed Barty.
"About what?" Quizzed Carly.
"Your futures" answered Barty.

"We're only 3rd years, we've still got 4 more years of school left, before it is time for us to think about our futures" admitted Luna.
"I'm not talking about what career you want to do, for you're right, it's too early to think about that. I'm talking about your personal futures" explained Barty.
"I don't understand" replied Luna.
"I don't know how to put this delicately... You must both be aware that no matter how much you love each other, you will never be allowed to get married, or even live in the same house. Not if you want to stay alive. And this is a reality you must get used to".

"There's no law stopping people of the same gender from living together as flat mates" informed Carly.
"Maybe not. But if the two of you lived together straight out of school, and never married anyone, the Ministry would find it suspicious. Especially if they realised that your flat only had one bedroom. There is just no possible way for you to live a life as anything more than friends. Not in the current world we live in" Barty said sadly.

"What if we ran away together, somewhere the Ministry of Magic could never find us?" Suggested Luna.
"You would have to live in exile from all of your family and friends. And eventually the Ministry would catch you" replied Barty.
"It's just not fair! I wish there was a way for us to change the stupid law that forbids us from being together" Carly said angrily.
A small smile flashed across Barty's face, but it was gone a moment later.

"Even if the Ministry changed the law, it would not change people's opinions on same sex relationships. If you want big changes like that to happen, something radical and different would have to take over the government, to change the way people see things. There would have to be a law preventing people from discriminating against those in same sex relationships" announced Barty.
"It's a shame there aren't any powerful people rising to power at the moment, who want to make a change like that" sighed Carly.

"There used to be... The dark lord was trying to bring about serious change to the wizarding world" Barty said quietly.
"I know. We need someone like him, who is a bit less trigger happy, who can change the world for the better. If Voldemort hadn't murdered my father, I would probably have supported his beliefs, and become a death eater" admitted Carly.
"You never did ask me why I decided to become a death eater" replied Barty.
"I didn't think there was much point. The way my aunt described things back then, you either joined him, or your died. There was no middle ground. And if you were a pure-blood Slytherin, you had even less choice than everyone else".

"True. But I sought out the dark lord, because I believed in his plans to change the world. I wanted to become a death eater.  He didn't choose me, I chose him... I also had a personal reason to want the law changed" revealed Barty.
"You were in love with a boy?" gasped Luna.
"Yes. I was. He loved me, and I loved him" Barty said quietly.

"What was his name?" Questioned Carly.
"Evan Rosier. He was killed during the first wizarding war, by aurors" answered Barty.
"I didn't think aurors were allowed to kill people" frowned Luna.
"The Minister for Magic gave them permission to use the Unforgivable Curses on us, including the Killing Curse" replied Barty.
"But that's wrong. If a curse is illegal, it should always be illegal, regardless of the circumstances. The Ministry can't just change the law to suit their needs"
"I'm afraid that it is something they do regularly".

"But even if Voldemort was trying to get the law changed, he was still a blood purist who wanted to wipe out Muggle-borns. He was a bad person" reminded Carly.
"The media and the Ministry turned him into a terrifying villian, because they did not want people to side with him. Those in power did not want the law changed, so they did everything they could to limit the amount of support the dark lord received. You believe he is a villian, because that is what you have been told by the papers, and by the government" insisted Barty.
"He murdered my father, that makes him pretty bad in my book" informed Carly.
"The dark lord had no quarrel with your father. It was your brother he wanted dead, to stop a terrible prophecy from coming true. He did not want to kill your father, but he had no choice... And I'm sure your dad would agree with me".

Carly's jaw dropped, "What did you just say".
"I am one of the few people on this earth, who know that you have no mother, and were born from the love of Regulus Black and James Potter" revealed Barty.
"How can you possibly know that?" Questioned Carly.
"Regulus was one of my best friends. Me, him and Evan were roommates when we were at Hogwarts. And after you were born he told me about you, and how you came to be" explained Barty.

"If you know, then does that mean Voldemort knew about me too?" Asked Carly.
"If he did back then, he did not get the information from me or Evan. No one James or Regulus didn't tell in person, was supposed to know. And as far as I know, even the great Albus Dumbledore doesn't know the truth about you... There are some secrets that you don't share, particularly when it comes to forbbiden love. And trust me when I say that we were not the only ones in our generation to have feelings about someone of the same gender" admitted Barty.
"Really?" Gasped Luna.
"There were two girls just like you, that I was close to; Dorcas Meadows and Marlene McKinnon. Who were both very much in love. But they both died during the first wizarding war" informed Barty.

"Tell us more about them" encouraged Luna.
"They chose not to join our side, no matter how many times we pleaded with them to leave the Order of the Phoenix. They trusted in Dumbledore to protect them, and they both ended up dead. It's no suprise that two members of his Order, who were gay, ended up dead. The Ministry found out about them, and had them killed, so that they could get rid of them and blame their deaths on us. The dark lord would never have killed them, because he wanted them to join his side. He wouldn't murder people he knew he could turn. Which is why he was angry when Marlene and Dorcas turned up dead, and he was blamed for their murders" said Barty.

"The wizarding world sounds like a horrible place back then" shuddered Luna.
"It was... But do you truely think things are much better now? People like us still have to live in hiding. And that isn't going to change, unless we make a stand" announced Barty.
"Is that why you're here at Hogwarts, in disguise? To worm out the gays, and form an army with us?" Questioned Carly.

Barty chuckled and shook his head.
"As fun as that would be, I am not here to recruit anyone. That's just a little side project I have taken on, to occupy myself. But I am not making an army. I have no intention of leading anyone... However, my question to you is this, if someone did take a stand, and try to change the unjust law that stops us from being able to love whoever we want, would you follow them and join the fight, even if you didn't agree with some of their other beliefs? Would you fight for the person you love most in the world, no matter what?".

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